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Things That Sell Well In Fall And Winter: Proven Bestsellers Of The Season

By Aleksandra M.

things that sell well

Autumn is an important time for many dropshipping store owners. As the seasons change, the trending products change, too. 

To give you some good ideas on the best-selling items you can dropship at this time, we conducted an extensive research. We didn’t simply go through the seasonal product trends, but also identified 5 types of things that sell well in autumn and winter as per the actual statistical data. Get inspired by these great ideas and start creating and selling a super hot product offer for this autumn!

Now, why should you pay attention to the seasonal demand patterns that online shoppers typically show in the autumn/winter period?

Because when you’re selling online, your goal is to generate more impulse purchases. Ultimately, they will transform into extra cash – and that’s the reason why you started selling stuff in your dropshipping store, right?

Massive preparations for large-scale holidays like Halloween, Christmas, New Year, and big sale events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday make the autumn period a great time to get more sales and get extra money fast!

Interestingly, in the run-up to the festivities’ season, people are not just looking for gift cards and good price offers. The demand for seasonal niches and products begins to grow at a breakneck pace, and you get the opportunity to benefit from them heavily. Surprisingly, it’s not always the stereotypical ‘pre-Christmas’ product range you see all over your Facebook groups and Instagram feed. Are you curious to learn what people really need at this period of time?

We took the last year’s statistics on the most demanded products of autumn and winter. Then we collected the sales data of September, 2019, to see if it there is a pattern. That’s how we’ve defined 5 broad product types that have the best profit-making potential in this season!

Let’s have a look at them!

Things that sell well in winter: sports and health products

Gym visits, yoga sessions, morning runs… It’s not a secret that these and other sports-related activities stay popular all year round. The long-term commitment to the healthy lifestyle becomes more and more relevant and accessible to people all over the globe.

However, typically, November and December are the months when Internet users are looking for sports gear more intensively than ever.

things that sell well

We don’t really know what’s the reason behind the surge of demand for sports-related products in autumn and winter – maybe, people are getting ready for their upcoming New Year resolutions? 🙂 In any case, there is a strong seasonal pattern that is obvious every year, and it gives you exciting opportunities to benefit from this type of products. 

Smartwatches, step trackers, yoga mats, bike accessories, backpacks and sports bags, sportswear and shoes – all these and other similar products are a must-have for your store offer at this period of time. Just take a look at the number of orders this product has!

things that sell well

This and the following awesome product page screenshots we use in this article are taken from our incredible database of pre-edited AliExpress products! If you’re using AliDropship plugin to power your dropshipping store, you can access this database FOR FREE!

Making your online store more appealing for sports fans, don’t forget about useful devices for recovery: knee supports, bandages, orthopedic pillows… the list is endless! The number of orders on the screenshot below proves that it’s actually a really demanded product type 🙂

things that sell well

Can you imagine how exciting are the opportunities of dropshipping sports and health accessories?

Phone accessories

New models of phones come out endlessly! Needless to say, the number of phone and mobile devices’ users continues to grow, too. And each one of them is a potential customer for accessories as well. Therefore, phone accessories niche goes to the top of the most popular niches again and again. 


For many people, the appearance and safety of their devices is crucial. Cases, styluses, chargers, external camera lenses, and Bluetooth headphones are just a few of the products available in this category.


Due to the fact that the market of mobile devices is constantly updated, this niche will be in demand all year round. However, you can see a really strong seasonal pattern here, too! Just look at the screenshot below.

things that sell well

Here, you can see that every winter, there is a sharp rise of demand for phone accessories. Why not make the most of this curious trend?

Things that sell well in autumn: interior decorations

For many people on the planet, autumn is a rainy and cold season. As a rule, they spend more time at home. So they begin to pay more attention to the details of their surroundings. Everyone wants to enjoy a cozy and comfortable atmosphere, and we can also take advantage of this by offering beautiful interior items to them. 


Home comfort consists of small details, so the decor plays an important role in the creation of a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. Many people pay enough attention to interior decoration, and these little things set the character of the interior and give it a twist.


Moreover, holidays are already around the corner and people are beginning to decorate their homes with garlands, toys, and other festive attributes.

Gifts for friends and family

Everybody loves gifts! In the autumn season, people are beginning to look for gifts, and buy them – often, with no second thought. We remind you that the holidays are around the corner. If you know what we mean 🙂 


Now you can fill your store with gift ideas of different types and costs, and offer these products to your customers in the search’s peak. 


Seize the day! Think about packaging materials, too – these are the things that sell well in the run-up to the holiday season, and make a good match with your thematic gift offerings. Think of beautiful boxes, wrapping paper, ribbons, stickers, and all the various kinds of arts and crafts supplies. All these items will definitely come in handy in the pre-holiday time.

Things that sell well in fall and winter: gifts for children

Let’s talk a little more about gifts. Who loves and expects them more than anybody else in the world? Of course, children! 

Parents, grandparents, friends try to give something interesting to children: toys, scooters, bicycles, books, etc. Practical gifts are common, too: clothes, shoes, stationery… Imagine how many people are looking for such gifts! And most likely their search begins with the Internet. It’s your time! Catch it and make your offer!


If it suits your business thematic, enrich your store offer with kids gifts: construction sets, dolls, magic kits  all these products will not be ignored in the pre-holiday period.


Well, that’s it!

Now, you know what product types are in the highest demand during this autumn/winter season. If you want to broaden your store offer with things that sell well in this period, don’t forget to check out the amazing items we’ve collected for you in AliDropship Insights!

By Aleksandra M.
Aleksandra is an Internet marketer at AliDropship marketing department. She is interested in dropshipping trends, especially hot products. She likes to write articles and make them beautiful.
Valentine Anumaka 5 years ago

Good day,
I am very much interested in starting alidropshipping but I have a question. How would I receive payment made as I am in nigeria ?

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

For Nigeria, one of the best payment gateways is Rave:
Lots of our clients have a positive experience of working with it, you can see their opinions here:
Rave is compatible with AliDropship original plugin (please, don’t choose AliDropship Woo – it won’t work together with Rave).
Rave works in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, and United States, so you can target these countries freely.

M.L 5 years ago

What a fantastic service. I am already using your service, I do have 2 questions. Payment Gateway for Turkey and the stan country’s.
How does it work with multiple sites? Any offers there?
Best regards and thank you in advance

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

We’ve listed the available payment gateways here: , so, please, go through this list and choose the one that works in your country.

Zamibob 5 years ago


I have the same question as Valentine Anumaka only my country is Eastern Europe, Baltic States – Latvia.
Thank you in advance

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!
We’ve listed the available payment gateways here: , so, please, go through this list and choose the one that works in your country.
Some of our clients from the Baltic states have already shared their positive experience in dropshipping – if you’re interested, you can read their stories here, here, or this one

Sophia 5 years ago

Great products. One question though – what about those tariffs? Are these types of products not affected by the trade war?

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your feedback!

Generally, these tariffs refer to high-tech products, and not the consumer goods you use on a daily basis.
Besides, you can freely drop ship products to any countries other than the USA to avoid any potential challenges 🙂

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