Facebook Ads Won’t Ruin Your Dropshipping Business If You Follow These Simple Directions
Facebook Ads can take your dropshipping business to a brand new level – or, in some cases, cause damage. This will never happen if you go by our instructions and treat them right!
When you start your dropshipping business, you come to the conclusion that you need to promote your products using Facebook Ads. Why? Because after searching the Internet you probably find out that most of the dropshippers have already used this tool and highly recommend it.
Yes, for many reasons Facebook is a perfect platform for promoting your products to almost 2 billion active users per month who are already on Facebook and Instagram. Without any extra effort, they view, like, comment, click and eventually buy on your website while sipping their coke and cutting loose on social media platforms. With all these cute kitten pics, meme images, catchy auto-tuned DIY or other videos going around, it’s no surprise that social media use has skyrocketed exponentially in the last few years.
“PROS” of Facebook for dropshipping business
Your main goal is to create more traffic and obviously get more sales, isn’t it? Facebook gives you a huge amount of opportunities concerning your marketing objectives: awareness, consideration or conversions. Talking about online business you should understand that ranking in SEO takes time. So, Facebook Ads can help you get up in search results and attract your customers while your SEO game builds up.
Facebook has the best targeting which consists of “core” (or basic) targeting features as well as advanced ones including:
- Mobile, Placement, and Facebook Connections
- Broad Category Targeting
- Education and workspace
- Additional Locales, Targeting Expansion, Flexible Targeting, and targeting with Partner Categories.
But sometimes you may need only some of these parameters since you have to use them according to the interests of your potential customers in your niche.
So, Facebook proposes several placements to your dropshipping business including Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger – that’s actually great! You should test all the platforms and different formats to find the most convertible features for your ads. In other words, you are in for a treat when you start to advertise through Facebook Ads Manager or Power Editor.
Why do dropshippers love Facebook after all? Well, not only for good conversions but also for its useful Apps that you can set on your phone and control all your ads and their effectiveness from there. Yeah, we know that you always have your phone at hand. Facebook Apps that we use every day are Facebook Adverts and Pages Manager. You can download them for free from Google Play Store or App Store. Don’t forget to login to your Facebook account that you use for advertising on your phone.
Anyway, what can go wrong?
There are some ways how Facebook can negatively affect your dropshipping business behind the scenes.
1. Bugs
Well, Facebook likes updating its products. Almost every day you find out that something has been changed. Even though it’s a positive trend, after each update you can find bugs. You would do a big favor if you sent a message directly to the support and report your problem – in this case they would fix it much faster. Try to always enclose screenshots and a text in English any time you contact Facebook Support Team.
2. Bad delivery
Sometimes after creating or making any changes to your ads and even having them approved you will face up the problem with delivering. It can happen any time. Your ads are active, but not delivering without any reason at all or don’t seem to have good results. First of all, you should check that:
- Your campaign, ad set or ad are approved and active. If your ads were not approved, you can edit and resubmit them.
- You didn’t reach your spending limit and all your payments were successful. There is a lifehack – just change or reset your spending limits, sometimes it works.
- Your ads are not scheduled to run in the future. Facebook runs ads during the time periods you specified. To fix it, change the schedule for your ads.
- While creating ads, try not to rename them at the same time because it can cause longer approval.
- Your target audiences are not overlapping. If some ad sets are targeting very similar audiences, you could see better results by consolidating them into one with a larger budget.
3. Deactivation
Theoretically, your accounts can get deactivated and unavailable for recovery. This happens if you violate Facebook policy, copyright laws, or just log into your account from some different place (e.g. foreign country during your business trip). To avoid wasting your time or nerves and making a fuss about finding a new account to advertise, try to stay updated on all the platform’s rules and stick to them. You are welcome to read this article with more tips and lifehacks on avoiding Facebook bans!
Summing it up, don’t put all eggs in one “Facebook Basket”! In other words, don’t rely on one avenue for promotion only.
Why? In a first place, it’s not wise to promote your products or services only through Facebook without testing other avenues. You should thoroughly examine your niche, especially your competitors and potential clients.
How to find out the best placement for your ads where your potential clients are ready to click on your commercials? Test, test and test again! Then analyze and compare your results using Google Analytics, FB Pixel, etc. Be ready to spend money on that.
Test and use other tools to provide a safety net for yourself in case of any unexpected problems with FB. It can be Google Adwords, Instagram Shout Outs, Emails and so on because you should understand that your ads can be stopped at any time which can cause a slump in sales.
As you can see, there is nothing super difficult about managing your Facebook Ads for dropshipping. We hope you will enjoy exploring this wonderful promotional tool and benefit greatly from using it!

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