All-In-One Cheat Sheet: How To Promote Your Online Store In 2022
Do you expect to see revolutionary marketing strategies and techniques this year? Or, you wonder how the usual advertising channels will transform themselves? Let’s see what’s coming, and figure out how to promote online store in 2022!
It’s said, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
Some dropshipping entrepreneurs wonder why they can’t make their businesses take off.
The answer is marketing. They don’t use plenty of the promotional opportunities which are available today.
Meanwhile, there have never been so many fast and cheap ways to make your business grow. You just need to go and get them.
There are lots of sources the Internet provides you with to promote your online store. We’re going to outline those that will be the most useful for your dropshipping business in 2022.
Best ways to promote your online store in 2022
Well, you’ve chosen a great dropshipping niche, created your ecommerce store, and added brilliant products. What’s next?
Actually, it is the moment when your job is just beginning. Consumers are unlikely to find their way to your store unless you help them. This means that it’s time to promote your online business.
The good news is, you have everything you need to make your work easy and even enjoyable. There are four main ways to bring customers in.
- Social media
- Email marketing
Now let’s take a closer look at each of them.
How to market your online store with SEO
You must search for customers and convince them to make a purchase.
Every type of promotion works this way, but one!
What is the first thing people do when they need to solve some problem or buy something?
That’s it! They open the Google page in their browser and start searching.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing tool that lets your potential clients easily come across your online store.
If your website is SEO-friendly, it’s going to come up on the top of search results – right in front of customers’ eyes.
Yet, making your online store properly optimized for search engines is quite a serious work. And it should start from the very moment when you’re choosing your dropshipping niche.
The first thing you need to do is evaluate your niche’s SEO prospects. This process comes down to looking for keywords and exploring the level of competition.
Besides, while creating your website, writing product descriptions, titles, etc., you should keep in mind the SEO issue as well. Your site needs to be built in a way that lets search engines easily scan it.
You may think that this process is too complicated for an ordinary human being to cope with.
Not at all! Read this article to learn how to make your online store perfectly optimized, and enjoy the positive outcome.
How to promote online store on social media
Social media is one of the greatest inventions in history. One of those that changed the world once and for all.
People can connect, share news and pictures, and even trade insults with billions of other users around the globe. And all of these are for free.
The audience of social networks is constantly growing from year to year. New social platforms turn up. What does it mean?
It’s time to reap the benefits!
How to promote online store on Facebook
Some recent events in the US political life shed light on some Facebook flaws. However, it remains the biggest social network with 2.32 billion users and a great source of customers.
There are two ways to promote your dropshipping store on Facebook:
- Through your personal account
- Through Facebook business page
Promoting your shop on your personal page is a good way to get free traffic.
Post relevant content on your account, share it in different communities related to your niche, and enjoy the results. But you should do it carefully to avoid the risk of getting banned.
Facebook business page is the exact place for marketing. There, you can post as much advertisement as you will – you won’t lose your account. However, nobody likes too much advertisements. So, take it as a rule of thumb – 80% of engaging and useful content and only 20% of promotional posts.
How to promote online store on Instagram
Since Facebook is the owner of Instagram, it’s logical now to move on to this social network.
The number of Instagram users is over a billion, which makes it another tempting source of customers.
There are four major ways to market your online store there:
- Creating Instagram giveaways. In other words, these giveaways are Instagram post inspiring people to leave their comments, likes, etc. for some reward.
- Installing Social Rabbit plugin. It’s an automated tool that comments other users’ posts, likes them and attracts attention to your account.
- Posting unique content. This is the same activity that you do on your Facebook page – answering questions, offering discounts, etc.
- Getting Instagram shoutouts. This process comes down to searching for influencers and asking them to cooperate
Before starting your marketing campaign on Instagram, you need to create your business account there. You may say that it looks similar to Facebook promotion.
Yes, it does! Actually, they are closely connected. You won’t be able to get your Instagram business account without the Facebook one. To learn more about Instagram promotion, please read this article.
How to promote online store on Pinterest
Although Facebook continues to hold the lead among social media, there are some disturbing signs for the network. Its market share has started going down while other social platforms are showing a stable growth.
Considering this, it becomes harder and harder to ignore such networks as Pinterest. It follows Facebook with 16,36% market share and it’s a great place to show off the best qualities of your products. Apart from that, 98% of Pinterest users try new things they find there.
From the end of 2018, small businesses on Pinterest are allowed to create “Shop the Look” pins. This search feature makes the network extremely convenient for online shopping.
Pinterest is a visual social platform. It means that your main goal is to create appealing images of your goods which could call customers to further actions.
Your online business promotion on Pinterest isn’t difficult and doesn’t differ much from Facebook or Instagram. The basic steps are the following:
- Create your account
- Link it with your shop
- Make your website Pinterest-friendly
- Create Pinterest boards
To find out how to carry out it properly, please go and read this article.
How to promote online store on Twitter
If your goal is reaching young customers from 21 to 29 years old, launching your promotional campaign on Twitter is a must. According to Twitter stats, 80% of its users are the people of this exact age.
Twitter promotion isn’t any different from marketing on Facebook. But those who don’t like writing much are in for a treat. Each tweet is limited to only 280 characters.
For the rest, it’s the same already familiar process of looking for and encouraging as many people as possible to retweet you, increasing the number of your followers, etc.
Here you can learn the most essential guidelines to Twitter marketing.
How to promote online store on YouTube
YouTube is one of the most popular websites in the world.
Isn’t it a great place to put out your content and advertise your products?
Of course! There are many more chances to be noticed by customers.
However, shooting videos is not for everyone. Not many people could tell people something on camera in an appealing way.
Fortunately, there is a solution! You’ve got YouTubers who already have popular channels there.
Your task is the same one you face in the case of Instagram shoutouts. You need to find influencers and discuss the terms of cooperation. The outcomes of YouTube marketing promise you a great reward in 2022.
How to promote online store on Reddit
Let’s wrap up our review of social media promotion with Reddit.
Marketing on Reddit is not as easy as on the already mentioned platforms. But this social network has over 300 million users and you should take a stab at turning them into your clients. Why not?
At the first glance, this platform doesn’t seem like a suitable place for promotion. People share news and jokes there and vote whether the posts deserve to go “up” or “down”. Besides, there is some specific way of communication which you need to get used to.
So, your goal is to create an excellent post to draw attention. It’s not easy, by the way. It requires a quite high level of creativity and patience. Before marketing your store, you need to spend some time getting into the atmosphere of community and gaining credibility.
Study Reddit as a usual user for a while, leave your comments, engage in conversations, etc. Then, if you have a good idea for your marketing, start your campaign.
How to market online store with paid ads
The strategies we’ve already mentioned work brilliantly for raising awareness about your online store. But both SEO and social media promotion take some time to start bearing fruit.
If you want to make customers learn about your products at a short notice, you need to launch a PPC campaign.
PPC (or “pay per click”) is a chargeable sort of advertisement on the Internet. There are other similar types of paid ads such as “pay per impression”, “pay per view”, etc. Naturally, this means that you pay only when customers click on, get impressed with or view your promotional post.
All major social networks and Google provide you with these sorts of promotions. You must have heard about Google Ads and Facebook Ads.
The point is, you create a promotional post, set a budget you want to spend on PPC and launch it.
For instance, when you use Google ads your posts appear on the top or right of search results until you run out of the budget. When you use Facebook Ads your commercial turns up in customer news feed.
There are various options of targeting your potential clients depending on your purposes and the platform. It could be certain keywords in the case of Google or customer interests if you use Facebook or Pinterest.
Each platform has clear guidelines on how to launch your advertising campaign. However, paid ads are quite tricky thing. That’s why we’ve prepared detailed Google Ads audit guidelines just for you! You can see it here.
How to promote online store with email marketing
If you really want to achieve great results with your ecommerce business, you can’t rule email marketing out of your promotional strategy.
Emails are one of the most efficient ways to reach customers and persuade them to visit your online store.
However, a simple message containing your offer to buy some goods is unlikely to get any customers interested. You probably receive dozens of emails everyday. And I doubt that you open them all to read.
Thus, you should make your emails irresistible for customers to look into.
Well, there are some effective tips to follow to write such ones.
- The most important part of your email is its subject line. Whether or not a recipient starts reading the message mostly depends on the subject line. To make it perfect, you need to:
- Write your subject line in informative and appealing way – it should be important for customers to read your email
- Keep it simple and short
- Use emoji
- Avoid writing it in ALL CAPS
- Use numbers (for discounts, quantities, etc.)
- Many modern email services show the first part of the message along with the subject line. So, you should also work on it and:
- Put your additional offers there
- List your advantages
- Give more useful information
- Of course, the words you pick for your emails matter a lot. They should be persuasive and motivate the readers to make the action.
- Customers are more likely to read your email if it’s designed well. Pay attention to the template of the letter and make sure it has an appealing layout.
Now you have a clue about how your emails should look like, by and large. You can find more detailed info about this marketing tool from this article.
We hope you’ve found the answers to your questions on how to promote online store in 2022! To make your dropshipping business flourish, you need to use SEO, social media promotion, PPC and email marketing all together. If you have any questions left, please leave them in the comment section below. We’re always ready to answer.

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