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How We Got 66 Orders and $813 in Just One Month Promoting Our Dropshipping Store with Social Rabbit Plugin

By Polina Beletskaya

How to Promote a Dropshipping Store on Social Media

How to promote a dropshipping store on social media with the highest efficiency and minimal effort? This is the question we want to answer through this case study – read it carefully and follow our example!

Isn’t it great when Technology and Smart Strategy meet each other? Just read this story of success, get inspired – and do the same!

How to promote a dropshipping store on social media: the introduction to our experiment

We decided to test how to promote a dropshipping store on social media in a semi-automated way. For the purposes of this experiment, we used a merchandise online store for anime fans.

Disclaimer: The store described here was mostly used as an experimental playground to test, evaluate, and improve various selling techniques and online management tools. As of now, this store is inactive – we have stopped using it for ethical and legal reasons, and we strongly advise all our readers and clients to avoid selling branded/copyrighted items. Still, feel free to follow the promotional algorithm we’re describing in this case study!

That anime dropshipping store was created with the help of the AliDropship plugin for WordPress. It was selling anime-related products: men’s and women’s clothing, phone cases, toys, gifts, posters, jewelry, etc. Owing to the popularity of anime and manga series among the social network users, we were using SMM as our main promotion channel.

The unique part of our SMM activities within this specific experiment was in their full automation. It was also a good opportunity to test the new SMM tool we’d invented, so we welcomed the challenge.

For the complete automation of our work in social networks, we used our own plugin called Social Rabbit – it had just been developed and needed thoroughly testing.

For the purity of the experiment, we did not use any other tools or activities for some time.

How to promote a dropshipping store on social media: what we achieved

We began the experiment on how to promote a dropshipping store on social media with 6 orders and $78 revenue. Next month, we achieved 32 orders and $294 in revenue. The following month brought us 66 orders and $813 in revenue!

What the store social accounts gained after 2 month of the experiment:

  • 10,000+ Instagram subscribers
  • 4,500+ Facebook fanpage subscribers;
  • 600+ Pinterest subscribers;
  • 350+ Twitter followers.

Just think about it: there wasn’t a single bot in any of these communities! They only attracted real users genuinely interested in the subject.

How did we come to achieve these numbers? Read the case study to learn more about new SMM opportunities.

How to promote a dropshipping store on social media: what we did

We followed our self-designed 4-step strategy you can easily repeat yourself. Here’s what we did!

Step 1:

We created 4 social accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram for a start. To make the accounts look professional and trustworthy, we added descriptions, anime related covers and avatars to them.

Screenshots of business accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram

Step 2:

After creating the accounts, we began auto-posting of the products from our store.

Special Social Rabbit’s tools named “Posters” allow showing the store products directly in Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram feed according to once-set preferences.

We set up the Posters, and the Social Rabbit plugin started publishing product posts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. These catchy posts included not only product photos, but also their prices, product pages’ URLs, titles, descriptions and related hashtags.

We set product posting to be repeated every 3 hours and 10 minutes – and we randomized posting times by 10 minutes.

Such settings prevent both your accounts from being blocked and your subscribers’ feed from being overloaded with your product posts.

All texts in the “Template” section came from our SMM specialists.

Take a look at the following examples of posts created in this way:

Screenshots of semi-automated posts published on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram

Very human-like publications, aren’t they?

To make accounts more attractive for the subscribers, it’s vital to add neutral visual content – and this is what the Gallery Poster tool is created for! It allows you to brighten up the timeline of your social accounts with catching content. We added dozens of niche-related images to the Gallery, and then we set up the Gallery Poster tool. The Social Rabbit plugin started publishing images in our social accounts (including the link to our site).

We set a high frequency for the posting of Gallery images in order to make our accounts brighter and more interesting for users. See below for an example of what posts from the Gallery look like:

Screenshots of semi-automated Gallery posts published on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram

With the help of the Social Rabbit plugin, we filled our accounts with great visual content and product posts. Following this, we could start promoting our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Step 3:

The Plugin offers two “Promoter” tools – the ones for Facebook and Instagram. To make them work, you should firstly find lots of niche-related accounts in both networks and then add these links to the plugin, so that it could work with their content and subscribers.

After we saved our settings, Social Rabbit started visiting the selected Facebook fan pages and Instagram accounts. It started giving likes and writing comments on users’ posts. We wanted to increase the number of comments on Facebook, which is why we enabled the “Rabid Rabbit” function.

To customize the posting settings, we enabled posting every 7 or 2 minutes for Facebook, and posting every 15 or 7 minutes for Instagram.

Such settings allow you to grow the number of subscribes quickly and increasing social traffic in the very first day.

Look how the plugin “replies” to Facebook and Instagram users’ comments. As you can see, the Instagram Promoter follows users and gives likes as well:

How to Promote a Dropshipping Store on Social Media

Step 4:

Now let’s talk about the main purpose of all these activities – conversions.

The webstore’s average monthly traffic reached 2,000 sessions.

How to Promote a Dropshipping Store on Social Media

Orders were not long in coming. The screenshot below shows paid orders in the website’s dashboard throughout just a couple of weeks:

How to Promote a Dropshipping Store on Social Media

And these are payment notifications in our mailbox:

How to Promote a Dropshipping Store on Social Media

How to promote a dropshipping store on social media with Social Rabbit: the conclusion

Promoting dropshipping stores with the Social Rabbit plugin is an easy way to draw the attention of wide audiences who use social networks. If your product is OK, orders will follow very soon!

We began promoting our Anime Store with Social Rabbit in March. By that moment 5-6 orders and $80-100 had been normal for the project. We estimated the results in June and discovered that the last 30 days of the experiment had brought us 66 orders and $813. Not bad!

Here is the algorithm we recommend – these are the steps you can take yourself to promote your store on social media like a pro:

#1: Create 4 social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

#2: Fill the accounts with primary content (both neutral/entertaining and commercial) – begin with 10-15 posts before starting the promotion.

#3: Let your accounts “rest” for 2 or 3 days, then start promoting them with Social Rabbit.

#4: Watch your accounts, social traffic and conversions grow.

Now look at how this one-and-only plugin can boost a project’s social accounts and, as a result, lift its sales significantly. Do you want to try it for your own business?

Just think: you only spend an hour or two creating social accounts and making one-time settings – and Social Rabbit does the rest on autopilot! Get its FREE 7-day trial version right now and see what it can do to YOUR business!

By Polina Beletskaya
Polina Beletskaya, Marketing Director at Sellvia, has spent over 15 years as a strategy consultant, working with brands across the world to deliver results from their online presence. Forbes Communications Council Member since 2020.