7 Dropshipping Secrets Everyone Must Know
Every area of work has its secrets and insights, no matter how easy or hard it may be. Dropshipping is no exception! But do not worry, we are here and ready to help you uncover the 7 dropshipping secrets every entrepreneur has to know!
No matter who you are, what you have achieved, and what you aspire to achieve, you must have hesitated before doing something. And let us tell you, it’s completely normal! It’s hard to find a person that has always been confident and sure in their actions.
It’d be nice to have some guidance or literal examples of what to do and not to do. If you want to start dropshipping and you’re hesitant or fearful, we got you covered. We analyzed the success stories of our customers and made a list of dropshipping secrets that work for everyone!
No matter if you’re an experienced dropshipper, novice, or you’re just thinking about it – stay with us! You can never be too thorough!
#1. Dropshipping secrets: choose a niche that you’re interested in
Yes, yes, we bet you’ve heard it before. But even if you did, it’s an undeniable truth everyone should remember like the back of their hands! When you’re invested and genuinely interested in what you do, you’ll be able to put in high-quality work, and therefore, get much greater results compared to taking something you don’t like and not enjoying a single second of the process.
Every prominent entrepreneur that achieved great heights will tell you that they LOVE what they do, and we can clearly see that in the quality of their services and products they provide. They put their soul into their craft and it paid off.
“I had that desire to just do what I am good at,” says Anas, a student entrepreneur from Morocco. “Influenced by my love for everything special, I decided to make a business that provides clothing for unique people (gamers, otakus, geeks, …). Seeing the beauty in them, I began working on ideas to sell apparel for these special buyers.”
This business idea has served him well: in just 1.5 years in ecommerce, Anas made $64K+ in sales with his impressive store!
When you have love for your work it will make all the possible difficulties on your path to success seem like little bumps on a road.
#2. Dropshipping secrets: know your customers and your products
Making $3,000 a month – and even more – is much easier when you know your product and your customer.
Rene, whose store brings him on average $3,000 in profit says this: “One of the niches I am trying now is something I am passionate about and know well. This makes it easier to understand what the target audience is and what it is looking for. Thanks to my life experience and huge online research I conducted, I have a clearer idea of my potential buyers.”
And his words are 100% true! To get the most out of your business and scale it, you need to know who your target audience is and what products they need. You can try selling an amazing product that has great potential to become a best seller and bring you a ton of profit, but if you promote it to the wrong audience, you won’t get a single penny. Or even worse, you might get some undesired heat from people that won’t like what you have to offer.
With that being said, you need to know who your customers are: demographics, location, age, gender, interests, their wants, and fears, what they need, from what devices they usually go on the internet, and so on. There’s no such thing as too much info about customers! When you know people, you can find the best approach to them.
#3. Dropshipping secrets: cherry-pick products and suppliers
Another dropshipping secret is finding the best products from the best suppliers – you need to give your customers the very best products and good value for money.
But what to look at, what to take into consideration, what are the green and red flags? How do you find the very best supplier?
Anne, one of our clients from France, suggests that when looking at suppliers and choosing the products from them, dropshippers need to look for high-quality products that have positive customer reviews and 4.5+ stars ratings.
Some dropshippers even place test orders to view the products for themselves before deciding whether or not they are worth selling!
You can try it too, especially if you like the product but you’re not so sure about the supplier and/or the product and want to see if you should continue working on that idea.
And when you choose suppliers, check out their rating, the reviews left by the previous buyers, and most importantly, shipping time to your target country. Because even if the product will be great, long shipping time can cloud the overall customer experience.
Read this article to find THE BEST supplier out there!
#4. Dropshipping secrets: maintain a good relationship with your suppliers
After you find your suppliers, we advise you to keep a good relationship with them. Business is business, but people are people!
If you prove yourself as a reliable partner and you will be able to keep a trustful, respectful, and positive relationship with your suppliers, you might be able to get REALLY nice and interesting offers from them, offers you wouldn’t get otherwise.
“Having a good working relationship with my providers has helped me get the latest products. They always inform me when they have a new release,” mentioned Tony, one of our clients, who runs a store that made more than $42,000 in revenue! “Also, if I place a large order they sometimes upgrade the shipping option depending on the country, free of charge.”
Even if you drop the idea about getting profitable deals, having a strong relationship with your suppliers will make your life a lot easier – there will be less hassle when resolving issues, you’ll have access to the latest supplies, and so on.
And isn’t it nice to work with someone you have good relationships and enjoyable interactions with?
#5. Dropshipping secrets: give your customers a great experience
Customers can either make you or break you, and your connection with them is detrimental to your prosperity and success. Make sure they get the best experience possible, and they will want to go back to YOU!
Try to minimize waiting time, make your website easy to navigate around, and make every step of their interaction with you enjoyable, or at least, not disappointing. You’re not protected from making mistakes, and you will make them (everybody does), but it’s how you respond to them that matters.
Mary owns 3 successful dropshipping stores, and she takes customer service very seriously: “Connecting with customers is key and if you are successful in that, then your business future is bright since they will keep on returning.”
You’re not a telepath and you can’t read people’s thoughts (even though it would be great), so collect feedback from your customers regularly and put the information collected to use. Don’t wait until you receive complaints and disappointed messages – prevention is the best protection.
#6. Dropshipping secrets: make sure your product pages are top-notch
Imagine that you’re browsing on a website, you find a nice product you like, but the page is mediocre, there’s no info about the product, and the product pictures look atrocious. Would you buy from this store? Most probably not, because if a business doesn’t have nice product pages it would seem shady, and you and everyone else will most likely think that people behind it don’t really care about it.
If you went to a brick-and-mortar store, you wouldn’t buy stuff in a bad-looking, dull, and low-quality packaging that has nothing on it except the name of the product, right? The same logic applies to online stores. Think of product pages as the packaging of a kind, because it creates an image of your brand and an image of the product itself.
To make people want to buy your products, their pages have to have high-quality pictures, informative descriptions, and even better, engaging texts. It would require some effort to make your pages look pleasant, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.
“The most time-consuming task for me is creating unique product descriptions, and I view the creation of attractive content for product pages as my challenge,” says Marco, a beginner dropshipper. Often products from AliExpress have not-so-good product descriptions, and editing them is a must.
And don’t forget to list all the benefits your visitors will get if they buy this product – this does magic!
#7. Dropshipping secrets: use social media for marketing
Another dropshipping secret makes some shiver in fear is social media marketing. But it’s not as scary as people paint it to be.
Find a brand that doesn’t have an account on at least one social media platform. Considering everyone uses social media nowadays – it’s almost impossible! So don’t underestimate its power to draw attention and sales. If you market properly, you’ll enjoy a ton of orders and customers!
Angel, an owner of a prosperous baby products store doesn’t pay for advertisements at all – all his sales come organically thanks to his social media pages! Just 20-30 minutes a day and that’s all!
If you don’t know how to do it, don’t be afraid. There are many guides and resources where you can learn pretty much anything. With a little bit of dedication, you will make this work to your advantage.
Alright, you might think, “but what should I do when I’ll be learning all of this? Who’s going to do the marketing?” Well, don’t worry! Check out the Social Rabbit plugin – it’ll be your personal social media marketing assistant 24/7! It helped hundreds of our customers to make their social media accounts bring buyers. For some people, their accounts even became their main source of traffic!
It’ll be a great headstart for your business, especially if you don’t know much about social media marketing. Or you simply want to ease the process of running your own online business.
Many beginner dropshippers wonder – what secrets are there to this game? The truth is – there aren’t many secrets, just some rules to follow. Don’t skimp on marketing, do what you love, and put some effort into creating the store of your dreams. This formula has never let anyone down, and the same goes for you.

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