25 Best Passive Income Ideas In 2021 For You To Explore And Enjoy
Do you already have a 9-to-5 job that you don’t want to give up even though it leaves you unsatisfied with the earnings? Or don’t you have enough time to get a regular job even though you’d like to have a passive income? Fortunately, nowadays there are lots of ways to get a stable source of earnings that doesn’t require your constant control and monitoring. So check up the list of 25 best passive income ideas in 2021 we have prepared for you!
Why is it a good idea to generate passive income?
It’s not a secret that passive income ideas always help. Consequently, people from all over the world look for new passive income streams more and more frequently.
So what’s passive income?
Passive income is a source of income that either does not imply your active involvement or requires little effort that won’t interfere with, for example, a 9-to-5 job, travelling, etc.
In fact, it’s also a good idea to consider passive income ideas in 2021 if you want to start a profitable business that goes without large-scale startup costs and complicated legal procedures.
In our experience, the dropshipping business model suits such people perfectly. It’s due to the fact it does not oblige you to invest thousands of dollars and months of your free time into a store launch and management. However, to give you more options, we have prepared an extended list of 25 best passive income ideas in 2021. Let’s check all of them so you could choose the most suitable one and make a fortune the next year!
25 best passive income ideas in 2021
Here are 25 best passive income ideas for you to experiment with various sources of extra income in 2021. Enjoy!
Go online
It’s a great idea to go online in order to get passive income in 2021. With the advent of the Internet, it became a lot easier to run a business and make money online. But which passive income options are the most promising in 2021? So let’s get this sorted out!
Think of blogging
Blogging is, actually, one of the most popular business opportunities to get passive income in 2021. In practice, there are lots of ways to benefit from your own blog.
To date, almost every respectable company has a blog. For example, look at Forbes. Above all, Forbes has a blog that lets their influencers share their wealth of experience with their subscribers. By the way, AliDropship has its own Official Member of Forbes Communications Council: you are welcome to read her top-level expert entries!
Some people start a blog for personal use. As a rule, when such a personal blog gains popularity, it provides its owner with different opportunities to benefit from it. So they begin to place shoutouts, join affiliate programs, etc.
So starting a blog is a 100% passive income idea. Beyond this, it can become your own hobby and your opportunity to find your personal fulfilment. And there is nothing difficult about running a blog since even lots of children do this every day!
Launch a dropshipping business
Starting a dropshipping business is, surely, one of the best options to get passive income nowadays.
Dropshipping is a business model that allows reselling goods without keeping them in stock.
If you are an ecommerce newcomer and wish to learn more about dropshipping, we suggest you to watch a detailed video guide on how dropshipping works.
Nowadays more and more people are interested in starting a dropshipping business. See for yourself.
So why is a dropshipping business going to be one of the passive income ideas you should definitely pay attention to in 2021? Well, it’s due to the following.
- Dropshipping does not require large long-term investment (even $150 is enough to get a smooth start in dropshipping)
- With dropshipping, you don’t need to take any actions offline (rent an office or a warehouse, hire people, etc.)
- It’s not necessary to spend lots of time on your dropshipping business: due to several IT solutions, your business participation can be reduced by several clicks a day)
Beyond this, you are going to become a 100% owner of your profitable and promising business. Isn’t this great? What’s more, if you’re worried about the technical challenges of starting a dropshipping business, in 2021, you can start an online store from scratch easily! A number of IT solutions that help you start and run your ecommerce venture – AliDropship Plugin, Social Rabbit, Sellika, Premium Products, etc. – are always there at your service.
Buy a dropshipping business
If you don’t want to create an online store from scratch by yourself due to the lack of technical experience or free time, AliDropship is happy to provide you with another option – you have an opportunity to buy a ready-to-go online store!
To date, there are two options to get a ready-made online store AliDropship can offer.
- Creating a custom dropshipping store
Our experienced team is going to create a custom dropshipping store for you with your individual preferences in mind. As a result, you get a dropshipping business that you can start promoting and benefiting from right after the store handover.
- Purchasing a premium dropshipping store
Premium dropshipping stores from AliDropship are the exact copies of best-performing online stores that can boast $2,000,000+ annual revenue. After purchasing a premium dropshipping store, you become an owner of an online store that you need only to upload to your website. Moreover, you can also get installation and marketing packages as well.
Both options constitute a ready-to-go business that will require you to run ad campaigns only. Don’t you know how to do this for the maximum benefit? Well, we have already discussed in detail how to create product pages, how to create landing pages, how to make Facebook ad creatives, etc.
Social Media Marketing
Here is one more passive income idea in our list – it’s social media marketing or SMM. The point is that the demand for SMM specialists is rising considerably. And business owners need both staff members and outsourcing specialists.
So if you are fond of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., here is a reason for you to convert your hobby into profit. You, actually, have an opportunity to surf the Internet and make money on that! Meantime, this can really help your part-time employers boost their businesses considerably.
Run a YouTube channel
This is all the same about YouTube. Lots of people are now using YouTube as a source of extra income.
You can definitely try to make money on YouTube if you:
- Really love spending tons of time watching videos on YouTube
- Have ever considered starting a YouTube channel since you know more than others and see the way to share your experience in a more appropriate or creative way
In these cases, starting a YouTube channel is a must!
Eventually, your channel on YouTube will collect enough followers so you will get an opportunity to benefit from that by placing ads, joining affiliate programs, etc.
Start a podcast
Starting a podcast is also one more passive income idea in 2021.
If you are keen on talking on different subjects and you feel comfortable about public speaking, starting a podcast is exactly what you need!
Participate in online surveys
One more passive income idea is to participate in online surveys. In fact, if you like to be interviewed, share your opinion with others, etc., – online surveys are what you can benefit from a lot.
On the Internet, there are lots of websites that offer passive income for participating in such surveys. Certainly, it’s necessary to finish lots of surveys in order to get a substantial sum. However, each survey can take you just several minutes, so why not?
Create paid posts on Instagram
It’s also no longer a secret that you can benefit from your account on Instagram. And all you need is to have strong interest in a hype issue.
For instance, do you have pets? Do you often take pictures of them to share with friends? If so, this is a good idea to share this with a wider audience since you are highly likely to gain from that. That’s cool, isn’t it?
The point is that when you collect enough followers (10,000+), you will be able to make money on paid posts. So, it means you will place some ads in your account, meantime, your partners will provide you with a bunch of their product samples. Profit!
For example, here is a person who created an Instagram account for their cat. Over time, their audience had grown, and they started to place ads. So why not?
Write an ebook
Creating an ebook is another passive income idea in 2021. The most interesting aspect of this activity is that you need to do your best once, and you will be able to benefit from this on a permanent basis later. Isn’t this great?
Create an online course
If you believe that you have a wealth of experience in some area, and you are anxious to share it with others, you can try to create an online course. Basically, it’s almost the same as writing in ebook. You will work hard on it for some time, but then it will easily bring passive income.
Try copywriting
Nowadays experienced copywriters can earn a lot since there is strict demand for different types of content. And this is one more perfect passive income idea in 2021. However, please note that copywriting can take you more time if compared with the other options.
Furthermore, if you have never dealt with copywriting before, it can be challenging for you to start creating texts. Fortunately, there are lots of training courses that can help you a lot.
Consider proofreading
There is a group of people who make money on proofreading. This is really a great passive income idea since it can really bring you a lot.
However, you should understand that in order to deal with proofreading, you should be a native speaker.
The point is that proofreading is not an easy prey since each language has its own nuances. And basically, only native speakers with linguistics degrees really make a fortune. However, there are lots of job offers for untrained proofreaders.
Learn more about affiliate marketing
Millions of people worldwide have already benefited from affiliate marketing. It’s due to the fact that it’s really a great passive income idea!
In fact, there’s nothing challenging about affiliate marketing. All you need is to find the affiliate program with the most favorable terms and start promoting your partner’s business. Each purchase that happens through your efforts brings you a commission. In some cases, this is really a considerable sum.
So if you’re interested in earning passive income from affiliate marketing, we would recommend that you pay your particular attention to the AliDropship Affiliate Program. Please note that AliDropship lets you earn up to $869 from each purchase!
Take stock pictures
Are you fond of photographing, but doing this mainly for yourself only? Well, this is a very interesting pastime. But have you ever thought about how much time people making stock photos earn?
Well, review the story of Tony and Chelsea from the US, and how they started their stock photo project. Now they are extremely popular in photographing and, actually, made a fortune on that.
Consider web development
If you learned programming languages and the stuff like that, it’s a great idea to consider web development and similar activities as a source of passive income.
Create and boost online stores
First of all, you can try your hand at creating and boosting online stores. Since few people are ready to spend their free time on creating an online store from scratch, you can help them with this. All you need for this is the AliDropship Plugin and basic skills in creating online stores. When it comes to boosting online stores, you can use other IT solutions from AliDropship for business automation and customization.
Develop mobile apps
Every day lots of apps appear in the App Store and Google Play. See for yourself.
Can you just imagine that last year there were more than 200 billion mobile apps on the Internet?
But all you need to know about this is how much money their developers make. Actually, these are significant sums.
As you can see, it’s predicted that in 2023 mobile app revenues will amount to almost a trillion of US dollars. Sounds convincing, right?
So if you have ever dealt with developing mobile apps for third-party companies, you can try to do this yourself and make a fortune!
Just try to learn more about Chad Mureta who eventually got an idea of creating the Fingerprint Security Pro app and started to make more than $100,000 a month. Isn’t this a passive income idea that deserves your attention?
Create plugins and add-ons for business management
Besides ready-to-go business solutions such as custom or premium dropshipping stores, AliDropship is actively developing add-ons and plugins for you to easily start and run your dropshipping businesses.
If you’re running a dropshipping business and you want to automate it in order to reduce your business participation, this is the high time to look at AliDropship Plugin, Social Rabbit, Sellika, etc.
If you are good at developing software, all you need to know is that IT solutions for business are in strong demand nowadays!
Make investments
As before, right investments can really let you make a fortune. But this is extremely important to figure out the options that are the most promising in terms of getting a stable source of high passive income.
Invest in growing businesses
If you don’t have a lot of money to invest, but you’re concerned with the issue of how to make them work for you, you can consider investing in growing businesses.
It is, surely, profitable to buy and run a dropshipping store or investing in an offline outlet, etc. So evaluate how promising the business you are going to invest is, and, then, take a decision!
Buy real estate
Investing in rental property is, probably, one of the most lucrative options to get passive income.
Definitely, if you buy a house for rent, it will bring you a tidy sum on a permanent basis.
However, this option also has the flip side of the coin: if you want to make money on renting out estates, first of all, you need to buy such estate. And, unfortunately, this requires huge sums of money.
Think about peer-to-peer lending
Peer-to-peer lending is also a good passive income idea not only in 2021 but always. However, it’s almost the same as purchasing real estate. It requires you having enough funds.
Use saving accounts
Depositing your own money with a bank is a pretty close thing to peer-to-peer lending. However, this is a safer option. It can really bring you lots of funds. That is why it’s so popular nowadays.
However, it suits only those people who have enough personal finance.
Place ads on your car
Have you ever noticed cars with ads on their bodies, windows, etc.? Of course, lots of them are company’s cars and used by the staff. However, it becomes more and more popular to place ads on personal vehicles.
And here are several reasons for that. Some companies pay such car owners commission for placing the ads. Others provide them with a discount on the company’s products or services. So it remains for you only to choose the most tempting offer and start benefiting from that!
Licensing music
If your hobby is related to music, it’s a good idea to think about creating and licensing music. At the beginning, it won’t make you a fortune. However, in time, you are likely to get a stable source of passive income. But don’t forget that this area requires both talent and zeal.
Rent out cars
If you have enough funds, you can try your hand at car rental. So you can either rent a car or create a car sharing service. And this is one of the best passive income ideas, meanwhile, you need huge investment to fit into this business.
Become a brand ambassador
Besides placing ads on your vehicle, in your social media accounts, and so on, you can also think of becoming a brand ambassador since this is also a perfect way to get passive income in 2021.
How does it differ from regular advertising? Well, you contact your potential partners and arrange to use and promote their products only.
However, you should understand that if you want to become a brand ambassador, you need to be known in certain circles, have extremely popular social media accounts, etc. For example, look at this cat.
Here is the list of best passive income ideas in 2021 we could manage to find for you to benefit from next year. We hope this info is going to be extremely useful for you and will let you easily start your own profitable business and make a fortune in the forthcoming year. So let your dreams come true since this is almost Christmas time!

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