Part-Time Online Businesses You Can Start Right Away
Do you want to make more money? If so, starting your part-time online business is a great way to achieve it. And this article is going to give you some ideas for your future venture.
Why a part-time online business is worth trying
Do you earn enough?
Even a rich one would probably say NO. But if you’re a regular guy working 9 to 5, your NO makes way more sense.
Nowadays, your nine-to-five job can hardly let you make the most of your life. Unfortunately, it usually takes the better part of your time and lets you hardly keep body and soul together.
That’s how a man named Joel Young used to live. Working as a pastor, he was in deep and could barely make ends meet. Let alone the fact that he had a wife and children.
So, every little helps, doesn’t it?
To get some extra money, Young started his small part-time business. To be more accurate, he decided to offer voice-over service on the Internet and see how it was going to play out.
The result caught him by surprise. Devoting only several hours a day, it took Joel only 18 months to pay off his debts.
Not bad, right? And what if he’d spent more time on his online business?
The answer is $ 1.5 million. That’s how much Joel Young has made since he quit his job as a pastor and focused his effort on his voice-over venture.
And this example is not an exception. More and more people are taking side jobs to earn more money and lead a lifestyle they’d like to. A recent research conducted by SunTrust shows that more than half of the US citizens have a side hustle. And many of them consider turning it into their full-time work, because side gigs are more financially rewarding than their 9-to-5 jobs.
The Internet opens up great opportunities. You no longer need to make a hard choice, give up your everyday work and try your luck at business. Today, you can easily find a side job or start your online venture while working 9 to 5.
So, let’s take a look at the options you’ve got!
9 best part-time online businesses for your side venture
#1 Start your blog
It’s said that words can kill.
Well… probably. Yet, what we can say for sure is that they can bring you money.
Are you interested in something? Have some ideas on the topic? Can put them into words?
If so, you could start your blog and make money out of it. This part-time online business doesn’t take much time to manage, so you can easily combine your full-time job and blogging.
Moreover, it doesn’t require much effort and money to launch your blog. All you need to do is buy a domain name, find a hosting provider and install WordPress. Then, you can roll up your sleeves and get down to work.
When you’ve gained some popularity and managed to attract a significant number of people, you’ll be able to monetize your blog by using Google AdSense, selling online courses, doing sponsored blog posts or any other way you like.
#2 Create your YouTube Channel
If you’ve got the gift of gab and writing seems to be too tedious for you, then creating a YouTube channel is a better idea for your part-time online business.
YouTube is the second most popular website in the world. Video content is the most engaging one. So, chances are it will be easier to build the audience there.
The ways to monetize your YouTube channel are pretty much the same. The most popular one is Google AdSense. Also you can become an influencer and team up with businesses to promote their products or services and make money from that.
#3 Become a graphic designer
Do you agree that a picture paints a thousand words?
If you do, graphic design is a good online business idea for you. Not to mention, that it could become a great source of passive income in addition to your salary.
Of course, you should pick up the necessary skills before give it a go. Yet, it’s not a big problem due to the new tools developed for graphic designers.
Software like Adobe Illustrator or Visme is really sophisticated and easy-to-use. So, everyone can learn the essentials.
However, to achieve great results with your graphic design venture, you need to be creative and patient.
Try to offer your service on social media. Do it for free in the beginning. If your works turn out to be really good, people will help you grow your popilarity by word of mouth. Then, you’ll be able to put a price on your service and develop your business further.
#4 Learn web development or web design
We live in the digital era.
The Internet is constantly expanding. New IT companies keeps emerging. And all of them are in desperate need of web designers and web developers.
That’s why learning these skills can help you start a really profitable part-time business.
There are a lot of online courses on the Internet that could give you a hand and walk through the ins and outs of coding or web disign.
And if you manage to learn the ropes, you can easily become a freelance web developer or designer and significantly increase your income.
#5 Try affiliate marketing as part-time online business
If you have a popular Instagram account, YouTube channel or your own blog and your followers trust you like they trust themselves, you can easily try your hand at affiliate marketing.
There are more than enough affiliate programs on the Internet. So, you could choose one you like the most.
When you join an affiliate program, you partner with some business, usually a big one, and get your affiliate link.
You put this link on your Instagram page or attach it to the articles on your blog and videos on YouTube channel. And when you talk your audience into buying your partner’s products and they click on your link to make a purchase, you get your share from the sale.
#6 Craft goods and sell them on ecommerce platforms
Another great source of additional income is making things and selling them on websites like eBay, Amazon or Etsy.
These ecommerce platforms have a great number of daily visitors. So you won’t have to make a lot of your effort and dig deep for customers. They’re already waiting for your offers there.
However, the competition you face on these platforms is quite tough. Thus, you should be exceptionally good with your hands and offer really unique items to succeed there.
#7 Become a freelancer
One of the most popular ways to start a side online venture is to work as a freelancer.
You can easily offer services like copywriting, drawing, coding, voice-over, translation and so on. For this, you just need to create your account on such online platforms for freelancers as Fiverr, Upwork or Freelancer.
Yet, you need time and patience to pick up enough steam there before customers start to line up to get your service. Aside from that, your skills should be really good to make your clients leave positive comments on your page. Only this way, you’ll be able to build enough credibility and trust to attract more and more customers.
#8 Give online lessons
If your laptop contains a program like Skype, you’ve got enough to start making money online.
You could become an online tutor and share your knowledge with people. There are a lot of the websites on the Internet you can register on and teach students languages, math, coding, etc.
However, your knowledge of the subject should be quite deep. Most online tutorial websites have some requirements for those who want to become a teacher. So you should be ready to confirm your competency.
#9 Launch your dropshipping store
All the mentioned ideas are extremely good for starting a part-time business, but none of them can stack up against dropshipping.
Indeed, the number of those who have changed their life for the better thanks to this business model keeps growing. No wonder that there are so many people willing to give it a try.
The popularity of dropshipping is explained by the low start-up cost and simplicity of starting a business.
Actually, you just need to find a reliable business partner and install special software. They’re going to take over the most burdening tasks every entrepreneur faces while selling products.
Your suppliers will store your products and deliver them to your customers. And the software will take care of fulfilling your orders.
Thus, dropshipping is an affordable and time-saving business model that perfectly suits a part-time venture. The only thing left to you is thinking of your marketing and scaling your business.
Now, you’ve got these 9 ideas you can employ for your part-time online business. We hope you’ll choose the one most suitable for you and grow until you can quit your 9-to-5 job and live a full life.

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