$52k Revenue Store With $2,000+ Monthly Profit: The Power Of Dropshipping In India
Dropshipping in India gains popularity with a breathtaking pace. Today, we’re sharing a story of Indian entrepreneur Asif whose feedback on AliDropship forum is really passionate and awesome.
Disclaimer: all the success stories published in AliDropship blog are the results of interviews conducted in the written form. Even though the editors may make some minor changes to the grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation, the respondents’ writing styles, views, opinions, stores screenshots and personal photos are left unchanged.
Hi, please introduce yourself!
My name is Asif Siddiqui, I Live in beautiful country India, I love writing and learn new stuff, always energetic and positive minded.
I thought that every single person can make a difference in their life, everyone can do what they want, needs consistent try, learn from own mistakes and never ever give up.
I have written many stories and some novels that was published in India, currently I am writing a novel also and that will be released on worldwide by help of social media and online marketplaces.
From 2003 I am start learning how to make money online and in very short time I have started making money from affiliate marketing.
Before you started dropshipping with AliExpress, did you have any previous experience in e-commerce, or in trade, or in online sphere generally?
Yes, I have been in making my earning online for around 15 years, it all started with affiliate marketing, after that I went on to creating flash games website and blogs monetized by AdSense and Clickbank.
Why did you choose the dropshipping business model, after all? How did it all begin?
I have had done quite a research that time in many different aspects of money making and had tried and succeeded in many on them, some of them, not so much. But the idea of selling items without the headache of keeping stock seemed to me quite exciting.
How did you learn about AliDropship solutions? Which ones do you use? How much do they help you run the business?
I have learned from Yaros journey on Warrior Forum, that was amazing and I was very excited to start the store, waiting Yaros and his team to fully develop his dropship plugin, and as soon as he launched his plugin, I bought it and started.
Yaros and his team helped me a lot.
How many stores do you have now? What is their performance?
I am maintaining 4 stores right now. Here is an example of stats for one.
They are generating steady income & they account for more than 60% of my income sources.
How did you choose the niches?
Well, frankly, at first, I just used the niche Yaros was using, then I moved on to different niches relating to my interests. Right now I have 4 stores in different niches.
How did you choose products and suppliers for your store? Do you have any strategy of adding new products from time to time? How do you set the prices?
The AliDropship Team was very helpful in this particular step. I just followed the steps in the regular newsletter getting from you guys and just tweaked a bit to my satisfaction. Thinking like customer, using products with higher ratings, contacting reliable sellers for time to time for update of products.
Do you remember the first sale made from your store? What have you done to achieve it? How soon did it happen?
I got my first sale within 3 days after launching my store, I have remember that golden moment, I have just run $3 shoutout in very small IG account, got only 22 visitors and luckily get a $12.95 sale
How do you promote your stores?
Paid promotion is done on Instagram, mostly. I target audience according to niche & their tangent related pages. Had tried FB Ads but ROAS was lower than that of Instagram. Pinterest managed by Social Rabbit was the free source for my sales. Adwords was passively giving me sales with minor spends but not now. I am busy in providing Instagram ads that it takes much time of my day.
How much time does it take you every day to manage your stores? Which task(s) demand more time than others?
Managing takes not more than 2 hours combined throughout the day. What takes more time is looking for new shoutout partners & giving them the matter to promote.
How do you deal with difficult customers (if you have any)? Do you have any funny/sad stories?
I remember that one of my customer become my friend on IG and had regular chats with me, he placed 4 orders and after few months I got chargeback for unauthorized transaction. That was shocking for me. Some few customers also claim money or open dispute after getting their product delivered, but that was very few, so it’s like a routine work, I do not worry so much for about these things.
Normally, I place order the same day if the order is under $100, for over $100 orders, I wait 2-5 days
Did you register your business officially? What are the legal requirements for dropshipping in India?
I registered under proprietorship in India and there are not much legal requirements for dropshipping business if you are paying your taxes on time.
What are your plans for future?
I am in the process of opening a clothing lineup of my own production. I am very pleased that this is only possible by the dropship module which helped me a lot in my journey to start my offline venture.
What can you advise our readers – those who already run their stores and those who didn’t start the business yet?
Always try to upscale but analysis is crucial. Don’t ever lose hope. There are times for me that after promoting for the day I got no sales but later in the day, they just come whooshing in.
There might be some mistakes where you would think that it’s not for you. And if it is not for you, then nothing is this much easy.
And for those who didn’t start and are reading this. TAKE ACTION NOW. Being a spectator won’t get you to post your journey unless you start your own journey & believe me, I have been in your place for some time & I just tried harder & here I am with above 60% of my income though dropshipping.
We are really thankful to Asif for such an emotional and honest story, and we are sure that with such love for dropshipping, India will see lots and lots of new dropshipping stores coming up in the nearest future!
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