Webstore Themes and Design: Q&A Series #7
What are webstore themes? Why are they important for your business performance? How can you tailor them to your business specifics? Today, we’re answering these — and many more — questions about your store appearance, so pay attention!
It’s time for the well-liked Q&A session again!
Today, designers and developers of AliDropship team are answering the hottest customers’ questions about webstore themes and design. Sit back and enjoy the reading!
1. What do you mean by webstore themes? What are they? How do they differ?
Imagine an online store.
As you can guess, it consists of several elements: products gallery, shopping cart, contact information section, etc.
All these blocks can be located in different places of a website, and also, they can look totally different.
Simply speaking, a webstore theme is the specific way of all these elements’ placement.
AliDropship team can currently offer you a range of themes for WordPress and WooCommerce that:
- Look adorable and artistic
- Are optimized for the highest possible conversions
- Work smoothly on all the possible devices (personal computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones)
Go to this page to view the themes we’re currently offering. You’re welcome to click on any theme to open it and see:
- What exactly it looks like
Click the ‘Live Demo’ button to view the full-screen design for the home page of an online store based on this theme.
- What are the technical features of theme
Scroll own the page to see what makes this theme so special — and how it can change your business.
- How it looks on different types of devices
View the images in the gallery at the bottom of the theme page to learn how it will look on a personal computer, on a laptop, on a tablet, and on a smartphone.
- What is the history of updates and improvements for this theme
View the ‘Changelog’ tab to learn how our specialists systematically review and upgrade the themes to get rid of possible bugs and introduce new convenient features.
- How to customize the theme and make it look its best on your website
Click on the ‘Documentation’ tab, and you will be redirected to the necessary page of our dedicated Knowledge base.
2. So, all of the AliDropship clients can choose between these webstore themes only? Will there be anything distinctive about their stores, then?
Okay, let’s start from the beginning.
First of all, every store built on the basis of these themes STILL STANDS OUT in its own way!
What do we mean?
The webstore theme is a “skeleton”. It’s the basic structure of the website, and its function is to ensure smooth performance and operation of the site.
Think about cats, for example: these gorgeous animals have the same skeleton that allows them to move graciously. Still, every cat is unique: they all have their specific eye color, fur pattern, hair length, voice tone, etc. The same is true for our stores: even though they are built on the same structures, from the visual point of view, they are really different.
How do we achieve that?
When clients contact us to order a custom store, they fill in a standard questionnaire about their personal preferences and wishes. Our customers can tell us everything about the desired product niche, color scheme, logo ideas, etc. They can even show us the examples of banners, pictures, headers etc. they liked on other websites.
We carefully consider all the requests and use our own creative vision to make several design elements that are specially tailored for this particular store.
These elements include logos, icons, favicons, and header images. As you understand, they are made individually for every store we create – we NEVER use the same design elements twice.
That’s how we get a specific and memorable appearance for every website!
3. Okay, but I still want a REALLY unique theme. What can I do?
If you don’t want to use AliDropship themes as the basis for your store, there is a great alternative.
Your solution is WooCommerce dropshipping. To get a WooCommerce-based store, you will need to install AliDropship Woo plugin. There exist hundreds of WooCommerce themes, so you’ll be able to choose something that is not used by others so often.
Please note: these themes are developed by people living all over the globe and having different developer skills and different artistic vision, and not by our team.
4. Is it possible to combine and mix your webstore themes? Can you make a site out of several parts of different themes?
Do you know the story about doctor Frankenstein and the creature he made out of different body parts?…
Technically, it is possible to make a fully functional website if the elements are taken from different themes. Still, you need to remember that it is a complicated technical job, so it will take a longer time, and also it will cost a little extra.
5. Can I order a store with one theme, and then switch to any other of your webstore themes?
When you switch between themes, you need to manually adjust many different things to make the store look neat and professional.
For example, the placement and size of pictures and banners are different on all the themes. It means, if you want to switch to another theme, you will need to make amendments to your existing webstore design elements, and upload them on the website again.
But if you’re ready to dedicate some time and effort to it, you can surely do whatever you want. It’s your own store, after all!
If you want it, you can even switch to the WooCommerce if you have the original AliDropship store, and vice versa. It will take some time (you will need to re-upload all the products again and adjust all the design elements from scratch), but if you really really want it, nothing is impossible 😉
6. Can I customize the store myself? How much can I change, and what exactly?
As the full owner of your store, you can do WHATEVER YOU LIKE to change any of the customizable settings. Where you can find them?
When you log into your dropshipping store, you can see the ‘Customization’ tab in your admin area.
From this section, you’ll be redirected to your theme page on our Knowledge base. There, you’ll find the settings that you can modify in any way play you fancy! You can experiment with them as often as you want to test if your customers like the new version of your store design more.
You are welcome to read more about the store customization here.
7. Can I move the widgets to a different place on a page?
The placement of the widgets is defined by the webstore themes you’re choosing.
You can’t move them to a different place, but you can choose which widgets exactly will be shown on the page.
8. So again, if I order a custom store, which design elements will be included in the package?
Traditionally, these elements are:
- Custom logo
- Header images
- Icons
- Favicon
- Banners
Here you can read more about these webstore design elements and their importance for your business image.
9. I already have a logo and I want you to use it! Can you integrate it into your design?
Yes, if you already have some store design elements created by yourself or someone else, please send the files to us, and we’ll see what we can do.
We can use these files if they are:
- Well-made from the technical point of view (size, resolution, aspect ratio, etc.)
- Suitable from the artistic point of view (the website design is complex, and all the elements must match each in terms of style, color, etc.)
If possible, we can take the design elements you’re showing us, and change them a little upon your approval.
10. Where do you source the images for headers, banners, etc.? Are they copyrighted?
All the images we use in our designs are bought from stock photo libraries such as Shutterstock. These pictures are licensed for commercial use, which is why it is 100% legal to use them for your webstore design.
Well, that’s the whole story.
Now you can be absolutely sure that you get a beautiful and truly individual design when you order a custom store from us!

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