10 Tips On How To Avoid Facebook Jail
Facebook is very strict with its users and businesses. If you break the rules, you can get into the so-called Facebook jail. Let’s talk about what it is and how you can avoid it.
What is Facebook jail?
The term “Facebook jail” is another way to say “suspension”. When you break Facebook’s rules, it suspends your account. It won’t allow you to do certain things such as publish posts, send friend requests, etc. The punishment can last from a few hours to 30 days.
People talk a lot about how strict Facebook’s algorithm is. Another problem is the fact that accounts get suspended automatically, by an AI which doesn’t always see who’s right and who’s wrong. It simply follows the program.
Users even created a few Facebook jail memes like this one:
After you do your term, Facebook will unlock all the functions. But there’s usually a 7-day probation period. During this time, you should be very careful. If it has already happened to you and you don’t want to get into “prison” again, you need to know what could make Facebook angry.
Here’s the list of what can get you into FB jail.
How not to get into Facebook jail
1. Don’t log in with previously banned devices
You have probably noticed that sometimes sites with serious protection send you emails saying, “You have logged in with an unknown device. Is it really you?”
Some sites, online games and social media track the devices you use. When Facebook bans an account, it also bans the device that was connected to it. Therefore, it’s not a good idea to use this device again for new accounts.
2. Never close the Facebook app on your smartphone
Another way to get into Facebook jail is to repeatedly close and launch the Facebook app on your smartphone. Actually, most people never do it. That’s why they never face problems like this. But if you’re one of those who hates it when an app is running although you’re not using it… then you’ll have to overcome this habit.
Facebook often bans such accounts because it thinks that you’re using an anti-detect browser. These are browsers often used by fraudsters to hide the “fingerprints” regular browsers leave behind. Simply stay logged in to avoid such suspicions.
3. Don’t suddenly change phone number, email and payment methods
Your account (profile and business page) is connected to a phone number, email and credit or debit cards. Sites use these details as another proof that you are actually you.
But let’s imagine you’re a bad guy! You somehow managed to hack someone else’s account. What’s the first thing you’re going to do? That’s right! You will change the phone number, email and bank cards.
When Facebook registers such actions, it can suspend the account.
In case you do want to change these settings, don’t use Facebook advertising tools for at least a week after that to let FB know that everything’s cool.
4. Use Facebook’s security features
Facebook actually takes great care of security matters. Sometimes even too much! But users can turn off some of these features (like 2 factor authentication). One the one hand, it’ll make access to your profile easier. On the other hand, it’ll motivate Facebook’s algorithm to become more suspicious.
So, if you can, keep these functions on.
Also, consider using the face recognition system on your account. With Facebook’s selfie-check function, it’ll be much easier to get your account back if it was banned. It’ll actually work even if face recognition is turned off, but worse than if it’s on.
5. Avoid getting into Facebook jail by helping it improve
You don’t want to get into Facebook jail? Then become an informator! FB tends to like those users who regularly report inappropriate content or behavior and rate Facebook translations.
But don’t get carried away! There is no need for constant reporting.
6. Keep up your regular activity to avoid getting into jail
As you probably know, Facebook gathers information on users’ activity – what and when they do and how often. Mind that you should keep your personal page alive even if all you want is the business account.
But there’s more! You can get into Facebook jail because you changed your behavior patterns.
For example, if you never liked posts in the feed and then suddenly started doing it all the day long, Facebook may consider this “unusual activity” and suspend the account.
It works the opposite way too! If you used to be active and then suddenly stopped logging in, Facebook can ban you as well.
7. Do not hide your information
If you’re not a criminal, you have nothing to hide, right? Probably, many of you will not agree with this statement… but it doesn’t matter because this is definitely what Facebook believes in.
If you clear your browsing history, or use a VPN service, or restrict your geolocation, Facebook’s bots become suspicious. It won’t necessarily get you into Facebook jail. After all, you actually need to clear the browser history at least once a year, right? Still, it can be one of the risk factors.
8. Don’t post prohibited content
Like many other social networks, Facebook doesn’t allow users to publish certain content types. The list includes nudity or sexually suggestive content, threats or hate speech, violence, and of course spam. Here’s the full list of forbidden content on Facebook.
9. Don’t send friend requests to people you don’t know
Social media let people connect, right. It’s true, but, at the same time, not all users like it when strangers want to be friends with them. There are many fraudsters and scammers out there who simply want to use you somehow.
If you start sending friend requests to each and every Facebook user, most of them will mark your invitations as unwelcome. As a result, the algorithm will put you in jail shortly. So, before sending requests, talk to people and make sure your friendship is wanted.
10. Don’t let saboteurs get put you to Facebook jail
Sometimes businesses who compete with you can start reporting everything you do in order to put your account to Facebook jail or even get it closed. Even if you do nothing wrong, the amount of reports can be enough for the algorithm to do it.
If it ever happens, simply block such saboteurs so that they can’t even see your posts.
Make sure you follow these tips to avoid getting into Facebook jail.

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