Looking For Free Dropshippers? This Is Where You Can Find Them!
Dropshipping is about working in a team. To succeed, you need to find a reliable business partner. But, what options do online entrepreneurs have to team up with dropshipping suppliers? Is it possible to find free dropshippers who meet all your business criteria? Let’s find this out!
You could have heard this saying.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Dropshipping proves that this is true.
Indeed, cast your mind back to 15-20 years ago. Then, to start your own business, you had to buy products in advance, store them, hire people to handle the process, etc. In other words, you had to deal with all the problems and tasks on your own.
Obviously, such a business model puts a strain on entrepreneurs. It requires tons of time, money and effort to manage it.
As the result, for ordinary people who gave it a try, that business journey usually was quick and upsetting.
Now, we can say it for sure that dropshipping has turned the tide. Having your own venture is no longer a burdening and expensive thing.
Find a reliable business partner and together you can make a killing.
And the beauty of dropshipping is that you don’t need to search for the distributors high and low and talk them into working with you.
They are there for the taking. You can easily get in touch with dozens of dropshipping suppliers ready to cooperate on the Internet.
Let’s clear this up!
How to find paid and free dropshipping suppliers
A Fruitful partnership lies behind success stories of many companies.
The most famous example of such one is Apple’s story, of course.
In 1997, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy when the decision was made to reunite with its co-founder, Steve Jobs. He was appointed as an interim CEO. And we all know what this has resulted in.
Yet, Apple knew who Jobs was when they brought him in.
And, what’s about dropshipping suppliers?
You could go to Google and find some of them. But, how can you be sure they will keep their end of the bargain and won’t let you down?
Actually, you’ve got some ways.
There are some special platforms offering help to dropshipping entrepreneurs on the Internet. They’re called directories.
In a nutshell, these platforms are paid databases of trustworthy wholesale suppliers. They are well-structured and easy to navigate. You won’t get lost and will get all the necessary information about the suppliers.
So, if you want to put your suspicion to rest, you can use directories to find your business partners. Their decency is proved by the special checking procedure.
However, you should be ready to face some demands on their part.
Well-established wholesalers like to keep their partners on a tight leash.
For example, they could limit your selling policy by setting a maximum markup on the goods.
Most of them just have no interest in working with small businesses. Some have minimum order requirements. And so on.
Of course, such prospects don’t look too promising and attractive.
Dropshipping is a business model that implies financial independence. That’s why many online entrepreneurs refuse to pay for the help of directories and take matters into their own hands.
They turn to AliExpress to search for dropshipping suppliers.
Let’s take a closer look at the reasons why this e-commerce platform is the most suitable for this purpose.
Reasons to search for free dropshippers on AliExpress
1. No fees
Why is dropshipping winning hearts and minds of people?
Because everyone can take a stab at it. It requires close to no money to start this business.
It’s understandable that some additional expenses like a fee for using a directory could be off-putting.
Fortunately, if you use AliExpress, you can forget about such things. There are no payments of any kind. You don’t need to pay for registration on the platform as well as for using it.
Moreover, you can even earn some extra many if you choose to dropship from AliExpress. There is a cashback system that allows you to get up to 8% from each order you make.
2. Tons of dropshipping suppliers to choose
How many sellers are there on AliExpress?
Well, who knows?
AliExpress is a part of Alibaba Group. And according to different sources, the number of Alibaba active sellers exceeds 8 million.
So, we can expect that at least several million of them are on AliExpress.
Such a huge number of AliExpress suppliers covers almost every type of products you can imagine. Thus, entrepreneurs could choose anyone they’d like to for their dropshipping store.
But, does it mean that you can choose any seller from the platform as your supplier.
Actually, AliExpress doesn’t have some special checking procedure for its distributors.
But…there is something better.
And it’s the next reason why you should look for dropshipping supplier there.
3. Transparent evaluation system
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it must be a duck.
Of course, the claim that a supplier has undergone a special checking process before getting listed in a directory carries some weight.
Yet, does it really put you at ease?
You just see how a duck looks?
Obviously, to get a clear picture of a supplier, you need to look at them from different angles.
The good news is that AliExpress makes this possible.
It allows customers to evaluate suppliers’ performance, leave feedback, etc. So, each AliExpress seller is in plain view and you can easily size them up. This article is going to help you make the right conclusion.
4. No restrictions on doing business
Dropshipping is supposed to be available to everyone!
And while suppliers from directories could give you a cold shoulder, you can always be sure that it will never happen on AliExpress.
No matter how small your business is, how many items you order and what price you put on them, nobody will refuse to work with you there.
Some AliExpress suppliers even make it clear that they are eager to cooperate with you by welcoming dropshipping entrepreneurs in their accounts.
5. Warehouses around the world
Despite the fact that most of AliExpress sellers offer ePacket and other cheap and fast shipping options, some dropshipping entrepreneurs tend to think that a long delivery time from China could put customers off.
The location of the suppliers casts a shadow over all the advantages this e-commerce platform has.
But, every problem has a solution.
And you can put a stop to your concerns and find suppliers who stores their products in the countries you target or the ones nearby. Luckily, there are enough sellers on AliExpress who have warehouses outside of China.
In one of our articles, we describe the process of tracking down the suppliers storing their goods in the USA. So, you can easily apply it to any different country you need.
The role of trustworthy dropshipping suppliers for your success in this business is hard to downplay. At the same time, such a partnership shouldn’t turn into a ball and chain for your venture. That’s why teaming up with free dropshippers from AliExpress is the best option for your online business. It allows you to make full use of the opportunities dropshipping opens up.

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