How To Dropship Outdoor, Camping, And Survival Gear
Having difficulty finding the right niche for your ecommerce business? You can dropship outdoor gear! Outdoor products can be a great niche to tap into for upcoming and experienced dropshipping entrepreneurs. Although some might say this is a season-specific niche, you can easily complement the initial product offer with a wide range of related products. This will allow a business owner to establish an online store that will cater to the needs of a much larger customer audience. Moreover, if you want to target the United States, Sellvia will let you deliver products to customers quickly and on time!
There is a general misconception that outdoor products are only popular during the summer period. We beg to differ. There are plenty of outdoor goods that can be sold throughout the whole year. The product range is extensive and whether you wish to dropship outdoor gear, camping gear, or survival gear – it’s only up to you to choose what to import to your online store.
Furthermore, you can stretch the product range by adding various trending items to cash out on the hype. Though this doesn’t mean that you need to neglect items that you thought about selling initially. Just be sure to keep the product offering balanced.
In this article, we will show you the product range that dropshipping entrepreneurs can easily incorporate into their online stores. And regardless of the time of year, you will get plenty of customers who will be eager to purchase from you.
So, let’s see, how you can dropship outdoor gear, what you should know of the niche and what products are best to dropship.
Why is it beneficial to dropship outdoor gear?
Winter, spring, summer, autumn – you can find people interested in outdoor activities during any time of year. It’s safe to say there are sports enthusiasts who spend lots of time outside, regardless of the weather or the season.
Outdoor gear, camping, and survival equipment can be interesting for campers, hikers, cyclists, or even those who simply enjoy long relaxing walks in the local park or by a nearby river. Therefore, you can create a product offering that will be in demand all year round.
The products that would suit this niche range from quite basic ones (bags, raincoats, water bottles, etc.) to more complicated items that sometimes require both the seller and the buyer to have specific market knowledge. This is why in case of choosing this niche, you should:
- Be well-aware of the products’ features (materials, durability, reaction to exposure, correct way of usage, etc.);
- Check carefully the supplier’s reputation and the product reviews – you don’t want to offer low-quality items to your store visitors because in some cases, their health and even life may depend on these exact products;
- Avoid the products that can potentially be unapproved for delivery (knives, sharp objects, lighters with fluid, etc.).
That’s why it’s a good idea to dropship outdoor gear from Sellvia. This ecommerce wholesaler offers high-quality goods from different manufacturers (including American companies), and these products are already located in the United States. So, you will face no problems of this kind. Moreover, thanks to Sellvia’s fast shipping across the US, you can successfully compete even with large retailers.
If you have aspirations to open an outdoor specific online store – there is plenty of room for you, as the outdoor industry is worth billions of dollars. And in 2021, the market size is expected to increase even more!
Now, let’s look at the Google Trends results and see if this is really a popular search topic.
The results show that people have a constant interest in these products throughout the whole year.
Choosing products for your dropshipping store
The good thing about dropshipping outdoor gear is the variety of goods you can pick.
Outdoor sports products
Let’s start with the obvious. The first thing that comes to mind here is various sports games one can play outdoors. Although the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected this industry, the markets tend to recover quite easily. Besides, in this category, you can find plenty of goods designed for playing in the backyard.
Outdoor cooking & tableware
Another popular way to pass the time outdoors is barbeque. About 7 out of 10 American families own a smoker or a grill. So, it’s a good idea to offer them a range of related goods for cooking and eating outdoors. Certain products from this category will also suit people who love camping and hiking.
Camping & Hiking gear
Speaking of camping and hiking! It’s another product category you should consider a must if you want to sell products for outdoor activities. According to the 2021 North American Camping Report, 86 million US households consider themselves campers. Here you can offer a wide range of goods from absolutely necessary equipment to tools that can make the journey more comfortable – like this camping shower!
Safety & survival
A shop selling goods for outdoor activities can also interest those who prefer doing it the Bear Grylls style. Outdoor survival tools don’t just make things easier. Often they can make a difference between life and death!
According to Data Bridge Market Research, the global survival tools market is expected to grow at a rate of 6.90% in the period of 2021 to 2028. By the end of this period, it’ll reach $1.62 billion. Knives, pocket saws, electric lighters, compasses – here are a few things you can offer.
But Survivors aren’t the only ones who can benefit from such goods. For example, this emergency sleeping bag is a useful thing for anyone who’s going to drive a long road.
Bags & accessories
Even if you’re not going to risk your life out there, having a handy, durable bag is always a good thing. Even if you’re just going fishing, a regular backpack may not be able to withstand harsh weather conditions. So here you can offer all kinds of bags, hiking backpacks, watertight wallets, etc.
Final thoughts on how to dropship outdoor gear, camping gear, and survival gear
With dropshipping anyone can easily get into ecommerce. You don’t even have to have any significant experience or background knowledge to accomplish this.
If you want to dropship outdoor gear, camping or survival gear there is plenty of room for you to do so. The industry is growing and it has lots of potential customers you can target. This is especially true if you decide to focus your efforts on a sub-niche.
Any subcategory of this outdoor gear niche can be researched further, and lots of related items can be discovered – this way, in your dropshipping store, you can create a product offer that perfectly matches your own personal interests, meets the public demand, and enjoys a healthy amount of orders all year round! At the same time, Sellvia will let you successfully compete with large retailers thanks to super-fast shipping across the US!

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