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The Inspirational Rise Of Kasra Moradi To $10,000/Day High-Ticket Dropshipping Business

By Roman P.

cover image Kasra Moradi $10K/day case study

In the busy world of online shopping, one story stands out: Kasra Moradi, a young entrepreneur from the suburbs of Australia. Coming from a modest family, Kasra didn’t just start his business because he loved it, but because he needed to.

The early struggles

At 16, Kasra began his journey into dropshipping, a decision that would shape his future. With determination, he used his parents’ names and bank accounts to navigate the complexities of online sales. However, he soon faced challenges that could deter even the most determined. Dealing with banned accounts became a recurring nightmare, causing many sleepless nights. Additionally, scams emerged as a harsh reality, further complicating his journey. Money flowed out as quickly as it came in, adding to his difficulties.

screenshot Kasra Moradi Twitter

Kasra’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to explore various businesses. From graphic design to website development, esports, and even the niche market of video game skin reselling, he tried them all. Although his venture into the fashion industry, selling clothing, saw moderate success, it was high-ticket dropshipping that truly captured his attention and transformed his approach.

This realization was groundbreaking — the concept of selling fewer products but with a significantly higher profit margin. Kasra adjusted his strategy, prioritizing quality over quantity. He meticulously researched products with promising returns, delved into digital marketing, and honed his customer service skills.

What is high-ticket dropshipping?

Imagine this: luxurious watches, state-of-the-art gadgets, and classy designer accessories. These are the high-ticket items that can greatly boost your profits in dropshipping. Yes, they may come with a hefty price tag, but the rewards they bring are truly worthwhile! So, why are high-ticket products such a game-changer? Well, for one, they offer astonishing profit margins. This means that each sale significantly boosts your bank balance. And who wouldn’t want substantial earnings for minimal effort?


screenshot Kasra Moradi Twitter

But wait, there’s more! High-ticket products attract a unique type of customers — those who prioritize quality and are willing to invest. No more bargaining over discounts; these customers value premium quality.


And here’s the best part: when it comes to high-ticket products, it’s always about quality over quantity. Forget about chasing endless sales. Instead, focus on providing top-notch products and unforgettable customer experiences to your exclusive clientele.

Best high-ticket products to dropship

Chic Italian stone console


Product cost: $1,127.79
Potential price at your store: $2,000.00
Profit per sale: $872.21

Modern luxury living room plush couch


Product cost: $1,388.49
Potential price at your store: $2,000.00
Profit per sale: $611.51

Elegant minimalist velvet lounge chair


Product cost: $665.79
Potential price at your store: $1,500.00
Profit per sale: $834.21

Luxe wall-hung stone bathroom basin


Product cost: $367.90
Potential price at your store: $1,200.00
Profit per sale: $832.10

Modern minimalist sofa


Product cost: $804.12
Potential price at your store: $1,890.50
Profit per sale: $1,086.38

Climbing tower for cats

photo climbing tower

Product cost: $1,082.00
Potential price at your store: $1,500.00
Profit margin: $418.00

Modern oval wood side table


Product cost: $67.83
Potential price at your store: $390.00
Profit per sale: $322.17

The taste of success


screenshot Kasra Moradi Twitter

Now, let’s jump ahead to today, and Kasra’s determination has finally paid off. What began as a solo endeavor has flourished into a successful business, bringing in thousands of dollars each week. On his most successful days, he racks up an incredible $10,000 in revenue.

screenshot Kasra Moradi Twitter

But the figures only reveal part of the story. Kasra’s triumph is not just a reflection of his business skills but also of his ability to bounce back. Every obstacle taught him something, every setback propelled him forward. He discovered the significance of being adaptable, the strength in persistence, and the importance of building trust through hard work.

The future ahead

Looking ahead, Kasra’s aspirations reach for the stars, yet he stays grounded. He stands as a symbol of encouragement for aspiring entrepreneurs, showing that with perseverance and the correct approach, dropshipping can be a pathway to success. Kasra Moradi’s journey is more than a tale; it’s a source of motivation.

screenshot Kasra Moradi Twitter

It reminds us that in the ever-changing world of online commerce, success isn’t limited to a select few. It’s within reach for anyone ready to persevere, learn, and evolve — just as Kasra did.

Unlock the door to limitless earnings with high-ticket dropshipping!


screenshot picture High Ticket Stores alidropship banner

Ready to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level and venture into the world of high-ticket dropshipping? Well, AliDropship is here to support you every step of the way. Just imagine the excitement of selling premium products that bring in significant profits with each sale. But don’t just imagine it — start making it happen!

With AliDropship, you’ll gain access to a carefully curated collection of high-quality, high-ticket items ready to be added to your online store. These are products that not only appeal to discerning customers but also command the prices they deserve. And the best part? You don’t need a warehouse full of inventory. Thanks to AliDropship’s advanced fulfillment system, you can sell first, and we’ll handle the shipping later, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

So why wait for small profits to trickle in? With high-ticket dropshipping, each sale can bring in profits equivalent to dozens of smaller transactions. It’s time to work smarter, not harder. Let AliDropship empower you to pursue those higher margins that can truly transform your business and your life.

Are you ready for success? Then take the plunge with AliDropship today and embark on your journey towards financial freedom and success. Your future self will thank you for making the wise decision to embrace high-ticket opportunities. This is your moment, so seize it with AliDropship.

By Roman P.
Roman is a copywriter who works for AliDropship to help people start and grow their own online businesses. He loves writing about ecommerce and sharing his tips and tricks with aspiring entrepreneurs from all over the world. Roman has a degree in economics, which means he knows a lot about how the ecommerce industry works. Using his degree in economics, he writes informative content that inspires.
1 Comment
Simamkele Lesley Siyekwana 2 months ago

I recognise the platform as customised with good plans

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