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This Real Boss Baby Is College Ready! How A Mom Entrepreneur Earned $44,897 On Outdoor Products [Case Study]

By Denis K.

boss baby and mom entrepreneur article cover

Ever thought about how some have their college funds set before they even start walking? Meet Christian, a mere 9-month-old who’s got his college money ready to go. Wondering how he’s pulling in $5.7K every month with his mom entrepreneur? Let’s dive into their story.


Meet Daphne, a cool mom entrepreneur and our hero today! She loves being outdoors, hiking, and camping, but her new little buddy Christian has kept her inside a lot more than she’s used to. Her husband, Erik, is out working, and Daphne? Well, she was feeling kinda stuck and a bit down during her maternity leave.

Now, Daphne is a real outdoorsy person, and being inside was making her miss all her adventures. So, what did she do? She explored a new kind of adventure online! And, guess what? She found one of our videos! It was the light bulb moment she needed to discover something awesome inside her.

She was super nice and shared her cool story with us online, and we’re excited to share it with you! So, find a comfy spot, get cozy, and let’s get into Daphne’s cool new journey during her time at home with baby Christian!

Turning a passion into profit online

Daphne realized she had tons of knowledge and experience in hiking and camping that could be really useful. She thought about how she could help people enjoy their time outdoors more. Maybe you’ve heard about Sarah Doughlass and her booming Amazon business that made millions. Well, Daphne knew that this area could be really rewarding.

She understood that her hands-on experience gave her a real edge in the market. She knew the ins and outs of hiking, those little details that only a real hiker would know, putting her a step ahead of many companies in the field.

Launching a store and earning $44,897!


Daphne kicked off her online store, loading it with stuff she believed every hiker needed – like tents, knee wraps, and bottles – the basics! She also kicked off a blog on Instagram, pulling in folks who loved the outdoors just as much as she did, and soon, she had a big online group of hiking fans.

“In just 7 months, I pulled in $44,897! That’s more than enough to cover Chris’s college and then some. I’m all in to grow my brand and connect with more people who are just as into outdoor stuff as I am. Plus, I’m looking to toss in more products and give my customers more bang for their buck.”

Daphne sparked more sales by asking her customers to share snaps and clips of them using her gear. This user-created content ramped up her brand’s visibility and trust. She threw in discounts, free stuff, or shoutouts to her regulars as a thank you.

The cool stuff Daphne sells online


“I know what outdoor lovers really need, so selling and marketing them is a breeze for me!” Daphne says.

For instance, only someone who hikes would get how much your knees can hurt after a day of hitting the trails. So, Daphne decided to sell knee wraps and even started chatting about them on her Instagram, sharing why they’re a game changer and how to use them right.

Here’s a peek at what you can find in her store:

  • Sleeping Bags that trap heat and work even in super cold and extreme conditions.


  • Knee Wraps to keep everything in place when you’re out conquering mountains and hills.


  • Foldable Water Bottles, because every hiker knows they’re essential!


So, wondering how Christian, only 9 months old, already has his college fund sorted? Easy!

In just the last 7 months, Daphne’s store has earned $44,897! Daphne found a way to support her son and do what she loves, leaving her feeling happy and satisfied. Just like that!

Mom entrepreneur words of wisdom and future ventures

Let’s delve a bit into what Daphne has to share from her journey:

What’s next on your business journey, Daphne?

“I’m all about growing! I want to take my store to new heights and connect with customers globally. Expanding my range of products and giving more value to my shoppers is on the agenda. I aspire to build a brand that stands out and is revered in the outdoor sphere. On the home front, more family time is a must, and oh, some family hiking adventures are definitely in the cards when Chris gets a bit older.”

Any advice for budding entrepreneurs, Daphne?

“Don’t shy away from stepping out! It might feel like a giant leap, but oh, it’s so worth it. The internet is your oyster — learn all you can about the online biz world, dropshipping, marketing, and the works. Experiment, try out new things, play around with different strategies, and remember to have a blast doing it!”

How to make it like Christian and his mom entrepreneur!

Keen on striding down Daphne’s path and launching your successful online venture? It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

Find your zone: Choose a niche that resonates with you and one you’d love to invest your time in.

Get selling: Start off with your pals, pen a blog, and grab your customers without spending a dime.

Nothing is out of reach when you’re looking to transform your passion into bucks, and the success of a 9-month-old is living proof! Got a hobby you love? Why wait? Transform it into a prolific cash cow with zero investment!

So, start your online business journey today, and who knows, maybe the next inspiring story we share will be yours. Dive in, explore, and start painting your entrepreneurial journey. The landscape of the online world is rich and vast, and it’s time for you to carve out your piece of it.

By Denis K.
Denis is a copywriter at AliDropship. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business as a specialist in advertising, he explores the rapidly changing and evolving digital marketing industry and feels committed to sharing his findings with a wider reader’s audience.
Tendai 8 months ago

Name and link of the store please.

Mary jane blancas 8 months ago

With zero experience,how to start online business for free

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