Cómo empezar con el dropshipping en Panamá en 2025
Why start dropshipping

How dropshipping works
¿Qué es el dropshipping?
El dropshipping es un método de cumplimiento minorista en el que un negocio no mantiene en stock los productos que vende. En su lugar, cuando un cliente realiza un pedido, la empresa adquiere el artículo de un proveedor externo, quien luego lo envía directamente al cliente. Este modelo permite a las empresas operar sin la necesidad de un local físico o inventario, reduciendo costos generales y ofreciendo un modelo de negocio más flexible y escalable.
Uno de los principales beneficios del dropshipping es su baja barrera de entrada. Iniciar un negocio de dropshipping requiere una inversión inicial mínima, ya que no es necesario comprar ni almacenar inventario. Esto lo convierte en una opción atractiva para emprendedores y pequeñas empresas que desean iniciarse en el comercio electrónico sin un compromiso financiero significativo.
Además, el dropshipping permite una mayor selección de productos, ya que las empresas pueden ofrecer una gama diversa sin necesidad de invertir en inventario. Esto puede ser particularmente ventajoso en mercados especializados o de nicho, donde los clientes buscan artículos únicos o difíciles de encontrar.
En conclusión, el dropshipping es una opción viable y valiosa para quienes desean comenzar un negocio de comercio electrónico. Su baja barrera de entrada, flexibilidad y potencial de escalabilidad lo convierten en una opción atractiva para emprendedores y pequeñas empresas. Si bien existen desafíos, como la gestión de relaciones con proveedores y el mantenimiento de la calidad de los productos, los beneficios del dropshipping a menudo superan los inconvenientes, haciendo que valga la pena para quienes están dispuestos a esforzarse.
¿Por qué empezar con el dropshipping en Panamá?

Ventajas y desventajas del dropshipping en Panamá
Ventajas del dropshipping en Panamá
1. Bajos costos iniciales
Una de las ventajas más atractivas del dropshipping es la mínima inversión financiera necesaria para empezar. Los emprendedores pueden lanzar sus negocios de comercio electrónico sin la carga de comprar inventario por adelantado. Esto es particularmente ventajoso en Panamá, donde el capital inicial puede ser un obstáculo para muchos aspirantes a empresarios.
2. Acceso a un mercado diverso
La ubicación estratégica de Panamá como centro comercial en América Central ofrece acceso a mercados tanto de América del Norte como del Sur. Esta ventaja geográfica permite a los dropshippers atender a una base de clientes diversa, aprovechando las distintas preferencias culturales y hábitos de compra.
3. Sector de comercio electrónico en crecimiento
El panorama del comercio electrónico en Panamá está creciendo rápidamente. Con una mayor penetración de internet y una clase media en expansión, más consumidores están recurriendo a las compras en línea. Esta tendencia crea un terreno fértil para que los negocios de dropshipping prosperen.
4. Modelo de negocio flexible
El dropshipping ofrece una flexibilidad inigualable. Los emprendedores pueden operar desde cualquier lugar, siempre que tengan acceso a internet. Esto es especialmente beneficioso en Panamá, donde el estilo de vida puede ser más relajado, permitiendo a los empresarios equilibrar trabajo y ocio de manera efectiva.
5. Amplia gama de productos
El dropshipping permite a los emprendedores ofrecer una gran variedad de productos sin la necesidad de almacenarlos físicamente. Esto significa que los negocios pueden adaptarse rápidamente a las tendencias del mercado y a las demandas de los consumidores al agregar o eliminar productos de su tienda en línea con facilidad.
6. Riesgo reducido
What to dropship?
How much can you make with dropshipping?
How far you can go with dropshipping: real-life experience

Yes! When you are dropshipping, you are not ‘fooling’ anyone, and you are not breaking any laws. You are simply helping other people receive the items they want - and enjoy the perfect customer service you provide.
However, pay attention to your choice of products. It is illegal to sell branded, copyrighted items, or things like weapons (even their sports or hunting models), knives, smoking mixtures, etc.
How much money do I need to start?
At least $150 is necessary - let’s do the maths.
If you have some technical skills and can assemble and set up a website yourself, you will need around $150.
First of all, you will need to buy a domain name (a good one costs about $10-15, and you will need to pay this fee every year to prolong your registration).
After that, you need a hosting: a server that makes your store info visible to the Internet user. You can use the basic hosting service from AliDropship (‘Silver Plan’) and only pay $69 per year.
Then, you will need to install WordPress, which is absolutely free, and buy AliDropship plugin, which costs $89. It should be enough: WordPress + AliDropship make a proper basis to create a fully functional dropshipping store.
If you don’t have these technical skills, you can order a ready-made store based on the AliDropship plugin. It will be made for you personally by an expert team: the specialists will even add the first products to your store. So, technically, it will be ready to sell items from day 1. The basic ready-made dropshipping store costs $299; together with the annual domain fee, you will have to pay $310-315 to launch your business.
How to choose the store niche?
First, it should be something that you really like - or, at least, know deeply. You will be picking products, making advertisements, and advising customers, so you absolutely need to be a pro in this.
Also, this niche should be popular with buyers and easy to promote online. Here is a complete niche selection guide that will help you!
Where to find the products?
AliDropship plugin lets you easily import products on your dropshipping website. Basically, it transfers the products’ titles, descriptions and images in a single click. So, all you need to do is browse and find good quality products from reputable sellers.
Alternatively, you can use a database of over 50,000 selected products which are guaranteed to be in high demand. This database is available within AliDropship plugin: you can see it when you go to the Import section of your AliDropship-based store. The best part is that all the products’ titles and descriptions are already edited there, so you won’t spend your own time doing this yourself.
If I sell products, how can I compete with AliExpress itself?
AliExpress is a large shopping platform where sellers offer everything at once. At the same time, your niche dropshipping store is focused on a specific range of products. Surely, you are more client-oriented than a large-scale store, and this is why buyers will choose you over.
Will my buyers know they are actually buying items?
It’s not likely. Even if they see Chinese names/addresses/characters on the wrapping paper, it won’t tell them anything. Lots of warehouses and manufacturing facilities of the largest global companies are situated in China, so there is nothing strange if a buyer receives a package of the Chinese origin.
Also, you can write your suppliers directly and ask them not to put any promotional materials into the package. Sellers are always glad to partner with dropshipping store owners because this partnership is profitable, so they will be happy to help you.
Will my buyers agree to a long delivery?
Long delivery itself isn’t a problem. Your customers are not buying life critical items from you, so they don’t mind waiting - especially, if you offer them an appealing price and a low-cost shipping.
Besides, you can choose the ePacket delivery method which cuts up the delivery time significantly. With ePacket, it will take the packages 7-15 days to arrive.
What if a buyer asks me for a refund?
Refunds are the responsibility of the original suppliers. Usually, they refund low-cost purchases really quickly, so there is nothing for you to worry about.
How to promote the store?
To make profit from your store, you first of all need to attract traffic to it. There are lots of ways to promote your store online for free, so pick the ones you personally like. Also, read the free marketing tips for dropshipping business: an experienced team brings them to you every week!
Will WordPress or AliDropship limit my activity and charge business fees?
No. The only recurring fee is the domain fee - you will have to pay for it every year, otherwise, your site won’t be visible on the Internet.
WordPress is completely free, and all the AliDropship solutions only require a one-time payment. Whatever AliDropship tool or service you get, you remain a full owner of your business. There are no limits on the amount of orders you can accept, or the volume of profit you make, or the quantity and the content of the products you import, etc. You are your own boss!