Add Hot Products to Your Store with AliDropship Plugin!
Get access to a HUGE database of top selling items:
- 50,000+ dropshipping bestsellers to choose from
- Top rated items handpicked by us
- Pre-edited product pages
- Tons of your time and effort saved
*AliDropship plugin required

55,000+ users
Overall rating
800,000+ imports
50,000+ dropshipping bestsellers in one database
AliDropship team analyzes tons of products and stats, does market research and handpicks only the most promising items. And you are welcome to benefit from this ready database of awesome products that will sell like hot cakes!
Professionally edited product pages
All the manual work is already done for you. Each of the 50,000+ items is manually pre-edited by our specialists. Every item has a clear title and URL, an appealing description, a high quality image gallery and a recommended price.
Your business start is super fast
Use various filters to easily find relevant products for your store. Import any of these profit-oriented items to your store in just one click. With our handy database you can fill your catalogue and start getting profits TODAY!
Choose a package and fill your store with winning products
One time payment only, no recurring and no hidden fees
100 product imports
US $29
+10 bonus imports
The core you need for a growing business
One-time payment
500 product imports
US $119
+200 bonus imports
Smart way to scale your store to a degree
One-time payment
1000 product imports
US $199
+500 bonus imports
Power your store and meet all your customers’ needs
One-time payment
Clients’ feedback

Luiza Filchman
Excellent tool to add products to the store, a cool addition that saves me time. I really think this tool is a must for successful dropshipping.

Dmytro Shenk
Really love the concept of already optimized products information. Why no one has come up with this simple and genius idea before? And the app has impressive variety of products and it seems like some are added each time I get back into the app.

Andres Zam
No words to describe. This plugin is beyond just great and awesome. I guess it saves me several lives to find and list each product in my store. Big thank you!
Some questions you might have
What is an import package?
An import package is a limited number of product imports from Hot products database.
What is a package code?
A package code is the key that you get right after purchasing an imports package. It will be sent to your email box.
How to activate an import package?
Choose and order a package. Once you have purchased the package, you will receive a notification email with your package code. To activate it, copy the code and go to Import products - Add imports. Paste the package code into the 'Enter your package code' field and click on Activate.
What do bonus imports mean?
Each package includes some bonus imports that are added for free. There are 10, 200, and 500 bonus imports for Lite, Pro and Elite package. We add bonus imports to each package in case that listing date of the item can expire, and the product can disappear and DropshipMe database.
What import packages are there?
There are Lite (100 imports + 10 bonus imports), Pro (500 imports + 200 bonus imports) and Elite (1000 imports + 500 bonus imports) packages. All packages are one-time payments.
Can I split an import package into different sites?
After activation each package code is linked with the site it was activated on. So, you cannot deactivate the remaining part of the package and transfer it on another domain. Each package can be used on one site only.
Can I delete a product and import another one instead?
Each package provides not products, but product imports. It means that if you import some product, but then delete it, your import balance will not be restored. But you can import this product again using Re-import button.