All you need for a successful start

Perfect dropshipping store
When you get an AliDropship ecommerce store, you benefit from its cutting-edge software and professional design that’s optimized for maximum profits. All for free!
Hot products
No more puzzling what to dropship: AliDropship stores are already packed with PROVEN best-sellers in high-demand niches. Just watch them sell like hot cakes!
Marketing support
Attract floods of buyers to your new store with the same smart strategies as we run for our own dropshipping stores. Get free marketing consultations from our experts to skyrocket your sales!

How do I get my free dropshipping store?

A few steps to launching an online business with AliDropship
Subscribe to Pro
You push the “Get my store for free” button and finish your order, which includes your Pro subscription (with a free trial)
Fill out a survey
You complete a short survey to let us know your preferences. Our experts can only start working when this info is provided
Get your ready store
AliDropship team creates a high-class dropshipping store according to all your preferences in just minutes
Activate your store
Book a free training session with our team, launch your new website with our help and start selling!

AliDropship stores built to succeed

Coming soon!

Why get a free AliDropship store?

Your business launch is super-fast
Building a quality dropshipping store by yourself takes time and effort. But when you get a turnkey ecommerce website built by AliDropship you start earning RIGHT AWAY – no waiting, no hard work and no time loss!
You avoid risks and guesswork
Choosing the right niche normally requires research and testing. We offer you a selection of hot niches that have already proven their success in the long term. All you need to do is pick your favorite.
You save BIG on your start
You get a high-class dropshipping store absolutely for free as well as our lifelong tech and marketing support. This is why anyone can easily afford starting a lucrative dropshipping business with AliDropship.

Why so many people just like you choose AliDropship

“I really recommend you to try AliDropship. Honestly, it’s the best choice I would have ever made and I’m really happy about the result.”
“Very professional! They guided me in choosing the domain name, the niche, the products, and they incorporated all my suggestions in the process.”
“I turned to AliDropship for everything – from custom website to advice on niche selection and logo design. The entire experience was incredibly easy.”
“AliDropship has been a very good site for us, newbies. Thank you for your welcome support!”
“The business has been scaling so far… It's been awesome! Thank you everyone on AliDropship, you all really did me a great favour!”
“I came to AliDropship kinda searching what it had – awesome websites, awesome setup. Wonderful prices – I love it! I’ll be back for many more!”

Success is what we do best (just ask our customers)

World’s #1 in online store creation
Overall rating
$1.7B in client profit this year
Fox News

Learn more about AliDropship free dropshipping stores

What exactly do I get with this offer?
You get a turnkey online store built according to your preferences and packed with 50 hot products – all for FREE, under the sole condition of subscribing to Pro (with a comfortable free trial).
What do I need to get a turnkey ecommerce store?
Just push the "Get my store for free" button and fill out a short survey to let us know your preferences regarding your store's niche, design, and domain name.
How soon will I get my store?
Your store is ready immediately after your survey is finished. All you need to do is book a free training session with our team, launch your new website with our help and start selling!
Why do you need my credit card info?
When your free Pro trial is over, the price of your subscription will be taken off your card automatically. So, despite the fact that you don't pay a cent at the moment of ordering your store, we need to be sure your card is valid for the future fees.
Do I have to install anything?
No! You get a 100% ready ecommerce store with all the necessary software already installed. The only thing you should do is register with payment providers (PayPal, Stripe) – only the store owner has the right to do that. But don't worry – it's painless and will take no more than 5 minutes!
Do I need IT experience to manage my store?
No. Our software and the store dashboard are so handy and user-friendly that even a kid can handle it all with no effort.
Do I need some special technical equipment to manage my store?
No way. You can operate from any place and any device: a PC, a laptop, a tablet or even a smartphone.
Сan I cancel my subscription?
Sure! You can cancel your subscription anytime. But we're sure you'll appreciate how incredibly easy it is to start, manage and grow your ecommerce business with AliDropship – and will stay with us for a long time.
What do I need for my business launch?
Apart from a computer and internet, the only thing you’ll need is the turnkey ecommerce store (that we'll build for you) with up-and-running payment gateways and the activated Pro subscription.
To (and from) which countries can I sell with AliDropship?
YOU personally can live in any corner of the world with a stable internet connection. And your products will be shipped worldwide. If you decide to sell to the US audience only, please let your manager know it to make relevant changes in your product offer and shipment settings.
If I have questions, is there someone I can talk to?
Sure! We have a first-class support team who will be happy to answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Just contact us here!
Any questions?
We’ll be happy to answer in detail!
contact us