Sell hits on your store

We’ve handpicked Amazon best-sellers to be imported to your online store and Amazon Seller account for maximum profit.

  • 100 highest-demand items
  • Product pages that trigger sales
  • Ready-to-use Amazon product data feed
  • Personal 24/7 guidance
GET MY PRODUCTS Get free consultation

How it works

We analyze Amazon’s product offering and find the most profitable hits
We add them all to your ecommerce store with catchy descriptions and visuals
Using a handy import file, you also upload these items to your Amazon Seller account
You start getting views, store visitors and sales with no hassle
AliDropship packs and ships products to your customers

Got no ecommerce store yet?

No worries! We’ll build it for you for FREE within one business day and import your chosen products to its catalog. Just finish your product package purchase and await an email from our team with all the details.

The highest-selling Amazon hits for your ever-growing success

Reap the mindblowing benefits of the #1 marketplace in the world

Compact Dishwasher

Compact Dishwasher

Supplier price $236.96
Retail price $299.99
Your profit $60.03
Our clients have earned with this product: $688,192
Elegant Cosmetic Handbag

Elegant Cosmetic Handbag

Supplier price $2.93
Retail price $22.99
Your profit $20.06
Our clients have earned with this product: $561,759
Smart Mini Projector

Smart Mini Projector

Supplier price $69.00
Retail price $89.99
Your profit $20.99
Our clients have earned with this product: $509,328
Karaoke Microphone

Karaoke Microphone

Supplier price $3.33
Retail price $24.49
Your profit $21.16
Our clients have earned with this product: $509,328

Ready to make solid income with proven Amazon best-sellers?

Get my products

World’s #1 in online store creation
Overall rating
$1.7B in client profit this year
Fox News

We have helped 200,000+ people like you achieve financial independence



We have helped 500,000+ people like you achieve financial independence

“It's not just about the money for me. It feels like I bought a lifestyle.”
“I thought it was such an innovative idea because it was just so easy.”
“What’s your rate, from 1 to 10? I’d rate 11.”
“It's really, really exciting and interesting, and it keeps me going on a daily basis.”
“Honestly, it's the best choice I would ever made and I'm really happy”
“I don't have to go out and work for “the man”. I have much more freedom.”

Pick your package of Amazon Best-Sellers

Silver Gold Platinum
US $ 99
One-time payment
US $ 149
One-time payment
US $ 199
One-time payment
Get now Get now Get now
Amazon best-sellers
Amazon best-sellers 50 75 100
Professional descriptions & visuals
Professional descriptions & visuals
Product import to your website catalog
Product import to your store catalog
Ready-to-use Amazon product data feed
Ready-to-use Amazon product data feed 50 75 100
Worldwide shipping
Worldwide shipping
Lifelong 24/7 premium support
Lifelong 24/7 premium support
Service delivery time
Service delivery time 3 days 5 days 7 days
Your Best Guide To Boost Sales On Amazon
Your Best Guide To Boost Sales On Amazon
Get now Get now Get now
Need more details to make your choice?

Why sell Amazon hits?

#1 ecommerce platform

Amazon is the most visited ecommerce platform in the United States, with nearly 3 billion visits a month

$514B+ revenue

Roughly two-thirds of US consumers start their product search on Amazon and it’s the dominant online retailer in 28 more countries

300M+ potential customers

The huge number of active users make Amazon an essential place for businesses to “meet the customers where they are”

35% lower competition for YOU

With our Amazon Best-Sellers packages, you can set highly-competitive prices on your online store – about 35% lower than on the marketplace itself

89% of new sellers are profitable

Amazon loves its sellers! Just get on board to enjoy effortless organic sales and promo tools the platform offers!

Up to $810K – new sellers’ revenue

On average, new Amazon sellers make $26,000 – $810,000 annually. With AliDropship, you get everything you need to join their ranks

Ready to reach new revenue levels?

Start selling proven Amazon hits and enter the world’s most profitable ecommerce platform!

START NOW Get free consultation

Frequently asked questions

Do I need IT experience to start selling online?

No. Everyone can easily start and run an online business, even with zero IT or ecommerce experience. AliDropship provides everything needed for a dropshipping newcomer. You can operate from any place and any device: a PC, a laptop, a tablet or even a smartphone.

How do I sell these products on my online store?

We’ll upload all the Amazon Best-Sellers included in your package to your ecommerce website catalog, with catchy visuals and descriptions. You can start selling them right after we are finished!

What if I don’t have an online store yet?

No worries! We’ll build it for you for FREE within one business day and import your chosen products to its catalog. Just finish your product package purchase and await an email from our team with all the details.

How do I promote these products?

Every package includes a Bonus: a free Guide on selling Amazon hits created by our best marketing experts. Just follow our tips and welcome shoppers!

How do I sell these products on Amazon?

You’ll get an archive with Amazon product data feed and full instructions on how to register and manage your Amazon Seller account. Unpack the archive and kick off the process right away!

How much time does it take to start selling on Amazon?

It normally takes 3 to 5 days from the moment you start the registration of your Amazon Seller account till everything’s ready for getting sales. The reason is several verification steps required by Amazon to register a new seller. In case you already have an Amazon Seller account, you can start uploading products to your catalog right after the Package purchase – and start selling them as soon as they are successfully uploaded.

Do you guarantee sales?

We provide everything you need to promote and sell your Amazon hits. But we can't control users' actions. So we can't promise sales – even though many sellers using these packages get great results.

Do you charge any ongoing monthly fees?

No, you only pay once.

What if I have some questions about the delivered service?

Feel free to contact our support team and get all of your possible questions answered.