How To Create Best Product Pages That Make Millions Of Dollars
Do you know how to create the best product pages and make millions of dollars on it? Are you eager to learn from professionals only? If so, you’re at the right place!
It’s an ordinary challenge for dropshippers and ecommerce entrepreneurs as a whole to create great product pages. All of them can do this in different ways. Some put lots of text there, others rely heavily on images, few people show off and use animations, etc. But how to strike the right balance to go easy and create product pages that really sell?
We believe that you should always learn from professionals only. That’s why these are the creators of our most successful dropshipping store to date — the one that makes over $500,000/month — who are going to tell you how to create the best product pages for the maximum profit.
Have you heard about this store? Making over $500,000 per month, it shows a great example of a successful dropshipping business — and makes it possible for everyone to use it for personal benefit! That’s right: you can get not only a full copy of the store itself, but also the exact same promo materials that are used in its most profitable ad campaigns! Sounds great, doesn’t it? With these ready-to-use solutions, you can repeat or even surpass the success of the store creators!
So make yourself comfortable, we are about to start!
Why is it necessary to edit product pages?
Many ecommerce business owners don’t even understand why it’s necessary to make changes in the product pages they import from AliExpress. Wham-bam and ready-to-go. That’s how it works. They really believe this is enough to just replicate the original AliExpress product pages and that’s it.
In fact, it’s not. Here is why it’s so important for dropshippers to edit the original product pages instead of simply copying them:
- Not all the products from AliExpress have detailed descriptions with the item specifications, making it challenging for a visitor to make a well-informed purchasing decision
- In most cases, the original product descriptions are written in broken English that doesn’t inspire much trust in the store and prevents its visitors from taking the website seriously
- Most often, the original descriptions don’t have a clear structure that would let you deliver a compelling marketing message with an inspiring call to action
We believe that a product page needs to have a distinct structure in order to generate more sales, increase a conversion rate, and ensure a successful store performance.
What should the best product pages look like?
The creators of our top-performing store admit that it took them a while to find a winning strategy to create the best product pages.
So what, in their opinion, defines the best product pages?
Clear structure
Perfect product pages should be well structured. First of all, they need to have an introduction describing an issue this product can help you solve.
After that, there should be a main body. Its purpose is to describe the product’s features that can be useful in solving the problem, its strong points, etc.
The concluding part should consist of detailed specifications and call to action.
An ecommerce product page should be optimized to let your website visitors easily open it even if they have slow Internet connection. The store creators claim that a well-optimized product page should be about 1.5-1.8 MB. By the way, make sure that your product page design is both mobile- and desktop-friendly.
Appealing images
Try to put only high-quality images on your product pages. It’s important to let your website visitors see all the product’s details and make sure the product and store are not fake. What’s more, this is a major parameter of ranking your product pages by search engines.
And please note that few customers are fond of reading into every word in product descriptions. That’s why the store creators recommend that you choose images that show how this or that product is used in practice.
Don’t forget that your ecommerce product pages should not be too splashy. If a product page is overwhelmed by images and banners, it can easily confuse your website visitors. So try to strike a balance between attractiveness and informative value.
What elements should the best product pages include?
Now let’s move to the process of editing a product page. What are the essential parts of a perfect product page, and how should you edit them?
In fact, when you import a product page from AliExpress, you are highly likely to edit it completely. The best idea is to start with a title.
As a rule, product titles on AliExpress consist of over 10 words that don’t make a coherent phrase.
Our recommendation for you is to edit them in order to get a short but insightful title.
Is this short? Sure! Is this informative enough? Yes, it is. Bingo!
Besides the points mentioned above, it’s also crucial to edit a product description to make it grammatically correct. Unfortunately, sellers who do their best to provide English texts frequently overlook this, but commonly it ends up with awkward automatic translations. See for yourself.
However, the store creators believe that a good product description should look as follows.
BTW, when writing about product specifications, don’t forget to adapt measurement units to the ones your target audience always use. And make sure you have indicated all the measurements in the right way.
And most importantly, remember about the description intent. After your potential customers have read the product description, they should have a burning desire to purchase this product, and not the other way around!
If you want to create an ecommerce product page that is able to convert as many visitors into customers as possible, pay particular attention to the product gallery.
It’s crucial to compress all the images for the product page or simply delete the images that are too big. In case you don’t do this, it’s highly likely to take lots of time to open your product pages. As a result, it can increase the possibility that Internet users will leave your website before they open it.
Moreover, make sure that there are no unnecessary inscriptions, original brand labels, etc.
What’s more, it’s a good idea to add images demonstrating practical use of the product. So try to visualize how useful the product can be. In that case, Internet users will be more likely to buy it.
Product variations
Usually, it’s necessary to edit product variations, too. It’s due to the fact that the original product variations sometimes might confuse you. For instance, the first variation is the product color and the second one is its capacity – but there’s only one option per each! This is not the way to do it.
That’s why it’s essential to check this up and edit the variations manually, if necessary, removing the needless ones.
And don’t be surprised if you see product variations that include color code, but not names. This is common for AliExpress suppliers, but for the buyers’ convenience, it’s best to rewrite the names of the variations.
Beyond this, you might even have to edit customer reviews sometimes. It’s due to the fact that the most part of the user-generated content has grammar and punctuation mistakes, etc.
It would be great if your product page included detailed customer reviews that consist of at least 2-3 sentences. Social proof is really crucial for online shopping, so we recommend you pay particular attention to product reviews. What’s more, they should be followed by several high-quality product images from different angles.
What instruments can be used to create the best product pages?
If you want to create the best ecommerce product pages that let you convert maximum website visitors into buyers, you need to spend your own time and effort on this. And here is a logical question: are there any instruments to create product pages in a quick and quality manner?
Yes, there are a number of instruments that the store creators use actively to build up product pages!
Image Editor
Sometimes it’s necessary to add or remove an inscription or label from an image, or make other edits, you have a way out! You can easily do these tasks by means of a tool that is built in AliDropship Plugin – it’s Image Editor. So you don’t need to look for a third-party software, then compress your images again and so on. Now you have an opportunity to edit pictures right in the admin area of your online store!
Split Test
If you have several ideas on improving your product pages (for example, choosing between two or three product titles), the best strategy is to simply compare them in action. And now there’s nothing challenging about it since you can use the Split Test add-on. So run tests, find out which tactic performs better, and make the most of your product pages and not only!
If it’s necessary to make several product pages look good at once, the store creators use one of AliDropship’s newest add-ons – it’s Sellika! This add-on lets you edit product pages thoroughly in several clicks. Due to the computer vision, Sellika creates well-performing titles and descriptions, that not all the content marketers are able to do, in a split second.
Image compressor
When a product page is fully prepared, don’t forget to check its size. If there are lots of pictures that are not compressed, it’s likely to take lots of time to open this page. And you can’t be sure if it’s ok for your potential customers to wait. That’s why we rely heavily on the Imgix Page Weight Tool in order to make sure that the potential product page is going to open quickly regardless of the device type.
It’s also an interesting fact that the store creators divide their product range on bestsellers and other items. They believe that, in case of bestsellers, it’s a great idea to work on a product page manually as much as possible: find competitors’ pages, analyze titles and descriptions, choose the best ones as an inspiration, etc. Meanwhile, if you need to edit several product pages at once, it’s worth using marketing automation solutions since they are able to save your time and effort.
Final thoughts on creating best product pages
So you are about to finish with a product page, but what’s next? What impact should it have on your potential customers? And how can it help you convert more visitors into customers and earn more?
In our experience, the best product pages are aimed at gaining the customers’ trust. A well-structured product page with no errors that features high-quality photos and videos, detailed product specification, and social proof, is able to trigger more purchases. BTW, try to do your best at making it easy to get in touch with your customer service, that’s important.
If customers see a perfect product page, they won’t consider this online store as a fly-by-night company, but rather view it as an online store which owners care a lot about its reputation. So the items and level of service are also high enough. And this is the exact way to win the customers hearts!
Beyond this, the store creators recommend that you demonstrate your products in all their glory. It’s necessary to show that they are extremely helpful in solving people’s most burning issues. And don’t forget that when your potential customers scroll a product page, they need to agree that this is a decent product, absolute must-have!
Well, now you know everything about how to create the best product pages that really convert. Are you eager to try out your skills? So don’t lose an opportunity to become a 100% owner of an exact replica of $500,000+/month-making dropshipping store and repeat the success of its founders – or even surpass it!

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